TB 10-3930-660-14
(2) to direct the contractor to correct the defect
e. If the Government directs the contractor to correct
the defect or systemic defect, the contractor shall have
or systemic defect.
the option (a) to correct the defect in the field or (b) return
the end item or parts to the contractor's plant, branch or
b. The Government may direct the contractor to
dealer facility for correction. When the contractor cor-
provide the replacement parts for defective supplies
rects the defect or systemic defect, the contractor shall
wherever located. In this event the contractor's obliga-
be responsible for all necessary disassembly and reas-
tion shall include the furnishing without cost to the
sembly and all costs thereof. When the contractor returns
Government, Free on Board (F. O. B.) repair location,
the end item or parts to the contractor's plant, branch, or
new supplies to replace any that prove to be defective
dealer facility for correction, the contractor shall arrange
including those incidental to the removal and replace-
and bear all transportation costs to the contractor's plant,
ment of the defective supplies within the warranty period.
branch or dealer facility and return. Repairs shall be com-
The contractor shall furnish replacement parts within ten
pleted within 10 working days after receipt of notification
(10) working days after receipt of verbal or written claim
of claim, except as the Government and contractor other-
wise agree to in writing.
c. When the Government has directed the contrac-
5. Government Responsibilities.
tor to correct the supplies, the contractor will furnish all
material required to correct the defects. The contractor
a. The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command
will provide the copy of the work order to the using unit
(TACOM), Warranty Ml is responsible for managing and
which as a minimum will identify the:
implementing this warranty. The TACOM Point of Con-
tact is:
(1) specific defect(s)
(2) corrective action
(3) all parts required
U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command
(4) labor hours used
(5) serial number of the end item
Warranty, Ml 48397-5000
Telephone: AV 786-7430,
d. In the event the contractor is directed to correct
Commercial (313) 574-7430
the defect or systemic defect, he shall notify the Govern-
ment where he has elected to correct the defect: the field
b. The Government may provide the replacement
(wherever the equipment is located), the contractor's or
parts for the defective supplies through its own supply
dealer's facility. In this regard he shall advise the equip-
channels and be reimbursed by the contractor for the
ment using activity verbally at least 48 hours prior to cor-
cost of replacement parts. The cost of non GS/Depot
rection, and the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command,
parts incidental to the removal and replacement of the
AMSTA-MM, in writing within 5 days after formal notifica-
GS/Depot parts shall also be reimbursed.
tion of claim with the following information:
c. If the Government elects to correct the defector
(1) the repair facility
systemic defect, the contractor shall reimburse the
(2) location of facility
Government for the cost of labor involved in the correc-
tion, inclusive of the cost of the end item disassembly
(3) the time frame in which the defect(s) will be
and reassembly. The cost of labor shall be computed at
the rate of .00 per hour multiplied by the number of
(4) what dealer or individual(s) will perform the
labor hours or portions thereof for such services in the
contractor's flat rate time schedule manual. The Govern-
ment retains the defective part(s) for at least 30 days
Should the contractor fail to accomplish required
after warranty claim notification so the contractor may
warranty corrections within 10 working days after formal
evaluate the cause of or existence of the defect(s). The
notification of warranty claim, the contractor agrees to
removal and replacement labor for parts at maintenance
extend, at no additional cost, the terms of coverage of
levels below GS (H Level) for supplies which require
this warranty for a time equal to the period beginning with
repair at D or H level will also be reimbursed.
Government formal notification of claim until such date
the supplies are corrected.