TB 10-5411-207-24-1
replacement by the contractor will be docu-
borne by the contractor. Where warranty repairs
exceed unit, direct support, general support, or
mented in the quarterly Warranty Status Re-
depot level in accordance with the maintenance
port. Whenever repairs or replacement are
Performed by the Government, the performing
allocation chart, the contractor will provide at
activity should notify the administrative
no cost to the Government, a technical service
representative, on site, to remedy the situation
during the warranty period. Response by the
contractor shall be within a three (3) day work-
ing period after Government notification of this
desired service. In all situations when repair or
replacement requires transportation of the
nonconforming or defective item(s), shipping
costs from line item delivery point to contrac-
tor's plant and return, shall beat the expense of
the contractor.
d. On items used outside the continental
48 states of the United States and the District of
Columbia, the guarantee shall include the
Figure 1. Warranty Data Plate
furnishing of new items to replace any that
prove to be nonconforming and/or defective
6. TRANSPORTATION. When replacement
within. the warranty period. Such items shall be
requires transportation of the defective item(s),
delivered via air by the contractor to the desti-
shipping costs not to exceed usual commercial
nation point designated by the Government. The
method of shipment from delivery point to
contractor shall be responsible for transportation
contractor's plant and return shall be borne by
costs not to exceed the greater of FOB manufac-
turer's nearest dealer/branch or the original line
the contractor.
item destination, whichever is more advanta-
geous to the Government. Return of defective
Using units are responsible for reporting war-
items to the contractor shall be at the option
ranty claims to U.S. Army Aviation and Troop
and at the expense of the contractor. The cost of
any labor involved in the repair or replacement
Command, ATTN: AMSAT-A-TD, 4300
L o u i s , MO
of items shall be borne by the contractor. If the
G o o d f e l l o w Boulevard, St.
63120-1798, DSN 693-3080, COMMERCIAL
contractor maintains established business facili-
ties servicing the geographic area of concern, a
(314) 263-3080. Only trained or qualified per-
sonnel having knowledge of the equipment
technical service representative shall be fur-
requirements shall inspect the equipment for
nished from such facility in accordance with the
nonconformance deficiencies or for estimating
terms of paragraph c. that relate to technical
repair cost(s). It shall be the responsibility of the
service representatives. Where the contractor
maintains no such facilities, the repair or re-
Government to fully document the cause, if
placement of item(s) shall be accomplished by
known, and description of each defect. When
component items are shipped back to the con-
detailed installation instructions.
tractor for warranty work, they should be pack-
aged in such a manner as to prevent shipping
If the Government determines that a
damage. Proper containers and packaging
defective or nonconforming warranted item or
materials shall be used.
component is within the maintenance capability
of the user to repair or replace and does not
8. CLAIMS. Warranty claims from using field
require contractor repair or replacement, then
units are to be forwarded to the ATCOM War-
the Government shall be entitled, from the
ranty Control Office (WARCO) AMSAT-A-TD,
contractor, those actual costs incurred, including
which will initiate Warranty Claim Actions for
detail parts, materials, and labor necessary to
warranted items, and Quality Deficiency Report-
restore the item to an operational status.
ing actions for systematic failures in accordance
with DA PAM 738-750.
Completion of warranty repair or