TB 5-3820-272-12
(3) Improper Operation.
Upon receiving a warranty claim notice TACOM will:
(4) Improper Storage by Government.
(1) Notify the Contractor by e-mail, fax or phone
(5) Improper transport.
to: Cedarapids Inc. 909 17th Street NE, Cedar Rap-
(6) Improper or insufficient maintenance ser-
ids, IA 52402
vice by the government.
(2) In the event of a warranty dispute arising be-
(7) Improper alterations or repairs.
tween the Unit and the Contractor, TACOM will
(8) Defect/failure discovered or occurring af-
verify, administer, and process the warranty claim
ter warranty expiration date.
in accordance with DA PAM 738-750 and/or this
(9) Fair wear and tear items.
Technical Bulletin.
(10) Total repair cost (parts/labor) is less than
(3) Alterations / modifications to equipment, by
either the owning unit or the contractor, shall not
be done unless authorized by TACOM.
a. The following information must be provided
f. TACOM office may, after its investigation, ask that
to the TACOM Product Manager's Office to
more information from the unit be submitted to prop-
file a warranty claim with Cedarapids Inc:
erly evaluate the claim. It may also decide that the
Equipment model and serial number, war-
claim is not justified or covered by the Warranty.
ranty start date from the warranty data plate.
Contract number.
Detailed description of the problem. Unit
personnel must diagnose the failure to iden-
tify the affected parts or assembly.
The Manufacturer's obligation and liability under
Cedarapids Inc. part numbers for any parts
this warranty is limited to:
identified as requiring replacement.
a. Repairing or replacing (at the Manufacturer's op-
Contact name, address, commercial phone
tion) free of charge any part proving so defective
number, fax number and e-mail address.
under normal use and service within 18 months
Address and commercial phone numbers
from the date of government acceptance.
for both a primary and alternate POCs.
b. The reasonable labor cost of repair and/or
b. Cedarapids will acknowledge receipt of the
replacement of said part or parts within 18
request from TACOM within 1 business day,
months from the date of government acceptance.
advise TACOM of the course of action pro-
posed to resolve the problem and make ar-
rangements with either Cedarapids Inc. or their
local dealer. Cedarapids Inc. will provide Local Warranty Control Office (WARCO) will:
TACOM with the dealer's POC, phone, fax
number and e-mail address as well as an alter-
(1) Verify, administer, and process warranty
nate POC.
claims to the TACOM CSWP Program Manager
c. TACOM will follow up with the end user and
(IAW DA PAM 738-750).
Cedarapids Inc. in a timely manner to ensure
(2) Act as a liaison between owning unit, the
the issues have been resolved to the end user's
manufacturer, supporting repair facility, and
d. The CSWP will not be repaired (or be dis-
(3) Notify the owning units of all warranty claim/
mantled to remove the suspected defective
acknowledgements/closeouts, information, and /
component), until the contractor reviews the
or instructions received from TACOM or the
claim and officially provides the local unit with
a decision on its liability under the Warranty.
(4) Act as a liaison between local dealers and the
e. All Warranty claims will be processed
through TACOM's Product Manager's
Office by phone (586)574-6094, e-mail
schwartd@tacom.army.mil, fax (586)574-