the contractor shall arrange and bear all transportation costs of the supplies to its facility and return to user. However,
the Contractor's liability for the transportation charges shall not exceed an amount equal to the cost of transportation by
the usual commercial method of shipment between the place of delivery specified in this contract and the Contractor's
plant and return.
5. Government Responsibilities.
The Major Subordinate Command for the Abrasive Saw is the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM),
Warren, Ml 48397-5000. TACOM is responsible for managing implementing the warranty.
Warranty claims will be reported to:
U.S Army Tank-Automotive Command
Warren, Ml 48397-5000
Telephone: DEN 786-7423
Commercial (313) 574-7423
a. TACOM will:
(1) Verify, review, process completed warranty claims submitted by owning units.
(2) Reject claims that are not valid and send them back to the local WARCO with a short explanation of why the
claim is rejected.
(3) Request additional information for incomplete claims.
(4) Provide warranty claim acknowledgment closeout letters and/or parts/assemblies disposition @instructions to
the local WARCO.
(5) Insure the contractor performs in accordance to the terms of the contract.
b. Equipment owning unit will:
(1) Identify defects/failures and verify the defects/ failures are warrantables upon discovery of the defect.
(2) Submit warranty claims, using DA Form 2407, DA Form 2407-1, or DA Form 5504, or DA Form 5504-1
through channels to the supporting repair facility,
c. Supporting repair facility will:
(1) Identify defects/failures as warrantable (if owning unit has not already identified them). Verify defects/
failures are warrantable.
(2) Review, process and submit valid warranty claims to the local WARCO if the DA Form 2407, DA Form
2407-1, or DA Form 5504 or DA Form 5504-1 is complete and correctly filled out.
(3) Reject invalid warranty claims or request additional information for incomplete and incorrect claims.
(4) Coordinate with the owning unit.
d. Local Warranty Control Office (WARCO) will:
(1) Verify, administer and process warranty claims (see DA PAM 738-750).
(2) Act as a laison between owning unit, the manufacturer, supporting repair facility and TACOM.
(3) Notify the owning units of all warranty claim acknowledgments/closeouts, information and/or instructions
received from TACOM or the contractor.
(4) Act as a laison between local dealers and the Army.
e. Alterations/Modifications. Alterations/modifications will not be applied unless authorized by TACOM.
6. Claim Procedures.
a. The procedures for reporting warranty claims are found in DA PAM 738-750 and this bulletin. Responsibilities of
the MACOM are found in AR 700-139. For all levels of maintenance operating under the Standard Army Maintenance
System (SAMS), Warranty Claim Actions are processed on Forms DA Form 5504 and DA Form 5504-1. For those units
not operating under SAMS, use DA Form 2407 and DA Form 2407-1. It is very important to fill in the blocks on the forms
as accurately as possible.
b. The contractor shall be notified in writing, utilizing DA Form 2407 or DA Form 5504 by TACOM following
discovery of a defect in supplies. This shall constitute formal notification of warranty claim and initiate the time period for
contractor responsibility and action under the warranty. This notification shall include but not be limited to furnishing of
the applicable equipment serial number, operating hours, part number or NON of the defective part and circumstances
surrounding the defect(s).
c. False Returns. When supplies are inspected by the contractor and found to be non-warrantable due to abuse or
improper maintenance, or the supplies are found to be serviceable, the repair activity submitting the claim may be
required to make reimbursement for con