TB 5-3895-370-14
(2) Act as a liaison between owning unit,
a. TACOM will:
the contractor, supporting repair facility and TACOM.
(1) Verify, review, process and if valid and
(3) Notify the owning units of all warranty
complete, submit claims (disputes) to the contractor.
claim acknowledgments/close-outs, information and/or
(2) Reject claims that are not valid and
instructions received from TACOM or the contractor.
send them back to the local WARCO with a short
(4) Act as a liaison between local dealers
explanation of why the claim is rejected.
and the Army.
Request additional information for
e. Alterations/Modifications.
incomplete claims.
Alterations/modifications shall not be applied unless
authorized by TACOM.
f. Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). The
parts/assemblies disposition instructions to the local
manufacturer's lubrication and service intervals must be
followed. Only after the warranty has expired will AOAP
Insure the contractor performs in
apply to this equipment, unless oil sample results
accordance to the terms of the contract
indicate the oil and filter of an assembly should be
b. Equipment owning unit will:
changed PRIOR to the manufacturer's service interval.
(1) Identify defects/failures and verify the
Sampling intervals for AOAP will be published in TB 43-
defects/ failures are warrantable.
0210. (if applicable).
(2) Submit warranty claims, using DA Form
Claim Procedures.
2407 or DA Form 2407-1 through channels to the
a. The procedures for reporting warranty claims are
supporting repair facility.
found in DA PAM 738-750 and this bulletin.
(3) Tag and retain (IAW DA PAM 738-750
Responsibilities of the MACOM are found in AR 700-
and this TB) parts, pieces of parts and/or assemblies
139. Use DA Form 2407 and DA Form 2407-1 when
removed at the owning unit level and as a result of a
filling a claim. It is very important to fill in the blocks on
warrantable defect/failure and/or correction.
the forms as accurately as possible.
c. Supporting repair facility will:
b. The contractor shall be notified in writing by the
local WARCO, utilizing DA Form 2407 following the
(1) Identify defects/failures as warrantable
discovery of a defect in supplies. This shall constitute
(if owning unit has not already identified them). Verify
formal notification of a warranty claim. This notification
defects/ failures are warrantable.
shall include, but not be limited to furnishing the
Review, process and submit valid
equipment serial number, contract number, part number
warranty claims to the local WARCO if the DA Form
or NSN of the defective part and circumstances
2407 or DA Form 2407-1 is complete and correctly filled
surrounding the defect(s).
Upon completion of
contractor repair forward completed warranty claims
Reject invalid warranty claims or
(Information Only) to TACOM.
request additional information for incomplete and
c. Identification of failed items. Failed warranty
incorrect claims.
items shall be tagged/identified to prevent improper
(4) Coordinate with the owning unit and
repair or use. Documents that describe the use of DA
decide which option for repair is desired to correct the
Form 2402 Exchange Tag and DA Form 2407 or DA
warrantable defect/failure.
Form 5504 Maintenance Request shall be referenced.
Items requiring special handling, storage or shipment
(5) Depending on which repair option was
during the processing of claims shall be identified.
chosen (Government or contract repair) provide
labor/parts required to accomplish the warrantable
d. Disposition. The repair activity shall retain
defective supplies for thirty (30) days following receipt of
acknowledgment of a warranty claim from TACOM or
(6) Tag and retain (IAW DA PAM 738-750
If receipt of acknowledgment is not
and this TB) all parts, pieces or parts and/or assemblies
received, inquiries should be made to TACOM through
removed as a result of warrantable defect/failure and/or
your local WARCO. If receipt of acknowledgment is
received but no instructions are forthcoming within thirty
d. Local Warranty Control Office (WARCO) will:
(30) days of receipt, supplies may be disposed.
(1) Verify, administer and process warranty
claims (IAW DA PAM 738-750).