TB 5-6115-585-23-2
D - Depot
16. Describe deficiencies or symptoms on
t h e basis of complete checkout and diagnostic
procedure in Equipment TM.
L - Special Repair Activity
a . E n t e r brief but specific description
Utilization Code.
Enter the Utili-
o f failure as a result of complete checkout and
z a t i o n Code that applies to this end item and
Include such factors as weather
9. MCSR ITEM. P r i n t the word "YES"
c o n d i t i o n s and type of operations. G i v e your
o r the letter "Y" if the item is reported under
opinion of why it failed.
If more room is
A R 700-138 or SAMS.
This also applies to
needed, use DA Form 2407-1.
components and subsystems of an item or
N o t mission capable time
system reported.
m u s t be counted if the warranty fail is also an
c . When the warranty technical bulletin
NMC fault. O t h e r w i s e , leave blank.
p r o v i d e s instructions to ship the failed war-
r a n t e d item to another location, the WARCO
will enter the "shipped to" DODAAC.
Leave blank unless needed
Leave blank unless
P a c i n g Item.
n e e d e d locally.
Enter the warranty start date of
t h e component/end item. T h a t date will be on
t h e warranty decal on the item or on the DA
10. Hours. E n t e r the hour reading from
Form 2408-9 on the item.
the hourmeter mounted on the equipment in
block 3.
R o u n d t o t h e n e a r e s t h o u r . If the
e q u i p m e n t has no hourmeter, leave blank.
b . T h e WARCO will enter his or her
name, c o m p l e t e telephone number (AUTOVON
or commercial with area code) and UIC.
11. Miles. E n t e r the miles or kilometers
o n the odometer on the equipment in block 3.
R o u n d to the nearest mile or kilometer.
the letter "M" before the number for miles.
Put the letter "K" before the number for
kilometers. I f the equipment has no odometer,
leave blank.
17a. R e p a i r Organization/Activity. E n t e r
the name of the activity/vendor/contractor or
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e providing the repair.
12. R o u n d s .
E n t e r the total equivalent
full charge (EFC) rounds fired (from the
If rounds do not
i t e m ' s DA Form 2408-4).
17b. Location. E n t e r the location of the
a p p l y , leave blank.
activity in block 17a.
Leave blank.
17c. U n i t Ident Code. E n t e r the UIC of
F o r commercial
the activity in block l7a.
contractors or manufacturers, put the letter
F a i l u r e Detected During. Mark the
"K" before FSCM. If not known, leave blank.
b o x that best describes when the failure was
18. Type of Organization/Activity Accom-
p l i s h i n g Work.
Put a check or "X" in the
First Indication of Trouble.
b l o c k that applies to the activity providing the
the box that best described the conditions
Enter a
when you first found the trouble.