TB 5-6115-585-23-2
Table C-3
Action Codes
Tested. This code will be used when performing diagnostic
or mechanical tests which are used to measure the perfor-
mance of an item against established serviceability.
In Process Inspection.
Removed and Installed. This code will be used when an item
is removed for any reason and the same item is reinstalled.
Checked - NRTS. This code will be used when an item is
checked or tested and it is determined to be "Not Reparable
at This Station or site."
Note: Local policy may prescribe use of NRTS codes in Table C-5.
Checked - Not Reparable. This code will be used when an
item is checked or tested and it is determined to be
nonreparable (condemned). This code applies also for items
beyond economic repair limitations.
Checked - Serviceable. This code will be used for items
checked or tested and no repair is required. This code is
applicable only if it is determined that a reported fault
does not exist or cannot be duplicated.
MWO Removal. This code will be used to identify the
removal of a DAMWO as a result of cancellation of the DAMWO
Removed. This code will be used when an item is removed,
and only the removal time is to be accounted for.
Installed. This code will be used when an item is in-
stalled, and only the installation time is to be accounted
TB Compliance. This code will be used to identify the
compliance with the Instructions of a specifically cited
technical bulletin.