TB 55-1520-237-23-2
a . Government Acceptance Date (GAD). T h e date an item of equipment is
a c c e p t e d into Army inventory by the execution of the acceptance block and
s i g n i n g of a DD Form 250 or approved acceptance document, by an authorized
representative of the Government.
b. Fail/Failure.
A malfunction or breakage of a warranted item (due to
o r d i n a r y usage or wear and tear) or damage to a warranted item which renders
it unserviceable by reason of a condition which causes a warranted item to
fail to meet any conformance/performance requirement.
c. P r i m a r y C o m p o n e n t . A n y s e l e c t e d f i e l d r e p l a c e a b l e , d e p o t r e p a i r a b l e ,
serialized, major component which is warranted for the full period specified
regardless of where or when installed.
d. R e p a i r . To restore an item to serviceable condition without affecting
its warranty (includes replacement, where replacement is necessary to achieve
conformance or performance requirements).
e . R e s u l t a n t Failure/Damage. F a i l u r e s u f f e r e d d i r e c t l y b y a w a r r a n t e d
part(s) which is induced/caused primarily by failure of another warranted
p a r t ( s ) / i t e m ( s ) , b o t h / a l l provided by and warranted by the
f . Secondary Component. A n y f i e l d r e p l a c e a b l e , d e p o t r e p a i r a b l e ,
serialized subcomponent of a primary component which is warranted only as a
subassembly or part of a warranted aircraft or primary component in which it
is originally installed.
g. S p a r e . A primary component purchased separately as a spare part
and/or repair part not installed in an end item (aircraft).
Established at the
h . W A R C O . Warranty Control Office/Officer.
intermediate general support level or equivalent and serves as the
i n t e r m e d i a r y between the troops owning the equipment and the U.S. Army
Aviation Systems Command (USAAVSCOM).
A promise or statement of fact from a seller to a purchaser
i . Warranty.
on the nature, usefulness, or condition of the supplies or performance of
s e r v i c e s t o b e f u r n i s h e d . T h e main purpose of a warranty in a Government
contract is to outline the rights and obligations of the contractor and the
Government for defective items and/or services.
j . Warranty Claim. Action initiated by the equipment user for authorized
warranty repair, replacement or reimbursement from the manufacturer/
k . Warranty Period. Time interval during which the warranty is in
N o r m a l l y measured as the maximum number of years, months or flight
operating hours.