TADS/PNVS and Engine Primary Components WICS will be
removed from the aircraft logbook and shipped with that primary
component for warranty repair.
When secondary components are removed
and returned for warranty claims, the secondary component entry will De
lined out on the WIC and the WIC will be firmly attached to the
repaired primary component for return to supply stores.
The WCI must
remain with the primary component as it will be placed in the aircraft
logbook upon reinstallation in an aircraft.
A category II (SF 368) Quality Deficiency Report (QDR)
shall not be utilized for item(s) covered under warranty.
When the
warranty~period has expired, and the conditions specified in DA PAM
738-751, para 2-13 are applicable, a SF 368
(QDR) will be submitted.
When a defective item meets the criteria for a category I
report, as prescribed in DA PAM 738-751, a d e f i c i e n c y r e p o r t w i l l b e
submitted IAW para 2-14.
A category I report for a warranted item
should be followed up with the submission of the DA Form 2407 (warranty
When the warranty period on any aircraft or primary
component has expired, the DA Form 2408-15, AMSAV-Q Overprint 2 (WICs)
will be removed from the logbook and forward to:
U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard
St . L o u i s , M i s s o u r i
Warranty claim exhibits will be cleaned, preserved, tagged
packaged to prevent damage during handling, storage and shipment.
Disposition of warranted component
to be shipped for depot
level repair will be in accordance with the
Automatic Return Item List
as defined by the Army Master Data File.
The DA Form 2408-15, AVSCOM Overprint 2 WIC must accompany all
TADS/PNVS and T 700-GE-701 Engine Primary Components for the duration
of their respective warranty coverage period.