TB 9-2320-279-14
(6) Verify, administer and process warranty
DA Form 2407-1. It is very important to fill in the
blocks on the forms as accurately as possible.
(7) Act as a liaison between owning unit, the
b. The contractor shall be notified in writing
contractor, supporting repair facility and TACOM.
within 30 days, utilizing DA Form 2407 by the local
(8) Notify the owning units of all warranty
following the discovery of a defect in supplies
claim acknowledgments/close-outs, information
and/or instructions received from TACOM or the
replacement parts. This shall constitute formal
notification of a warranty claim and initiate the time
period for contractor responsibilities and action
(9) Act as a liaison between local dealers
under the warranty. This notification shall include,
and the Army.
but not be limited to furnishing of the equipment
serial number, operating hours, part number or
(10) Enters all open and closed WCAs into
NSN of the defective part and circumstances
the Army Electronics Product Support (AEPS),
surrounding the defect(s). At this time, the
Electronic Deficiency Reporting System.
contractor will further be informed whether the
owning unit has elected: (1) to correct the defect
(11) The information/data provided on the
themselves, or; (2) to direct the contractor to
DA Form 2407 are placed into the AEPS
correct the defect. Upon completion of contractor
Deficiency Reporting System (DRS) at the
repair, forward completed warranty claims
installation WARCO office to facilitate MSC
(Information Only) electronically to AEPS (Army
management and tracking of warranties.
e. A l t e r a t i o n s / M o d i f i c a t i o n s .
Alterations/modifications shall not be applied
c. The contractor shall reimburse the
unless authorized by TACOM.
Government for the cost of labor and/or
replacement parts involved in the Government
f. Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). The
correction of the defect. The Government's
manufacturer's lubrication and service intervals
Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) determines
must be followed. Only after the warranty has
the times. Additionally, the cost of replacement
expired will AOAP apply to this equipment, unless
parts obtained through the Government's supply
oil sample results indicate the oil and filter of an
channels will be determined by the amount
assembly should be changed PRIOR to the
identified in the contractor's current commercial
manufacturer's service interval. Sampling intervals
dealer net price or Army Master Data File (AMDF)
price, whichever is less. Furthermore, the owning
TB 43-0210 (if applicable).
unit may direct the contractor to provide the
replacement parts that prove to be defective within
6. Warranty Data Plate.
the warranty period, without costs to the
Government, directly to their location or F.O.B.,
a. All vehicles will have a warranty data plate.
U.S. Port of Embarkation for OCONUS. The
The contractor is required to mount his data plate
contractor shall furnish replacement parts within
within clear view of the operator.
ten (10) working days after receipt of written claim
notification. Warranty claims for reimbursement,
b. When the vehicle is received, the owning
where repair labor costs and replacement parts
unit should locate the warranty data plate and
costs combined do not exceed 0.00 for any
check the warranty start date with date shown on
one failure will not be submitted to TACOM.
the applicable DD Form 250 or DD Form 1149. If
these dates differ, disregard the data plate. The
d. Identification of Failed Items. Failed
date shown on the DD Form 250 or DD Form 1149
warranty items shall be tagged/identified to
is the date to be used as a warranty start date.
prevent improper repair or use. Documents that
describe the use of DA Form 2402 Exchange Tag
7. Claim Procedures.
and DA Form 2407 Maintenance Request shall be
referenced. Items requiring special handling,
a. The procedures for reporting warranty
storage or shipment during the processing of
claims are found in DA PAM 738-750 and this
claims shall be identified.
bulletin. Responsibilities of the MACOM are found
in AR 700-139. All Warranty Claim Actions are