TB 9-6150-226-23
necessity of negotiation. If a
Claim Procedures (Continued):
dispute does arise from the denial of
a valid claim filed with UNICOR, it
(1) False Return (Continued):
shall be resolved in favor of the
owning entity. The EOP Division of
serviceable and not defective, the
UNICOR shall have the final
submitting government unit shall be
authority to determine the validity
penalized. Penalties shall include
of individual claims.
the cost of the freight, hours
expended in testing and performance
examinations, and any other cost
Reporting: Reporting or
factor necessary to verify a false
recording action on a failed item
shall be as specified in DA PAM 738-
750 or DA PAM 738-751. Contractor
(2) Receipts/Verification
unique forms shall not be used.
of Contractor Repairs:
Lompoc and UNICOR Danbury, the
9. Storage/Shipment/Handling:
manufacturing facilities, shall
Storage, shipment and handling
maintain records of repaired items
requisites are only applicable in
for 3-years after expiration of the
limited fashion to this warranty
2-year warranty. Said records shall
agreement. Individual data, where
include a copy of the Quality
applicable, is as follows:
Deficiency Report (QDR), response to
Storage: Items and
the QDR, DD Form 1149 copy showing
return of the repaired item, and
equipment furnished under the terms
inspection records depicting type and
of Contract DAAK01-87-F-O046 (DISE).
and DAAKO1-89-F-0034 (PDISE) are
extent of repair.
packaged for storage and preservation
per PD-6150-0026, Level A. Terms of
(3) Special Area
Requirements: No special area
this warranty are effective for a 2-
requirements are incidental to this
year period after acceptance of the
warranty agreement.
final item furnished under the
contract terms. Storage for extended
c. Reimbursement for Army
periods prior to use does not extend
the life of the warranty.
Repair: Where Armv reoair of the
item is necessary to achieve
performance within the range of
Shi pment: The terms of
requirements, said repair shall be
contract DAAKO1-87-F-0046 and DAAKOl-
documented by itemizing all costs
89-F-0034 specify that FOB is to be
at origin. Thus, the only shipment
connected with the repair and
forwarding same to: Department of
costs that may be designated to
the Army, Headquarters, U.S. Army
UNICOR are those involving defective
Troop Support Comnand, 4300
items returned for repair or
replacement. It shall be the
Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO
responsibility of WARCO (listed under
63120-1798; Attn: AMSTR-Q. The
TROSCOM authority shall forward the
request for reimbursement to the
log shipment costs which were paid by
UNICOR EOP Division. Reimbursement
the owing unit in returning defective
requests must be directed to the
items and submit said freight costs
to UNICOR, EOP Division, 320 First
the WTB.
St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20534.
Upon submittal, funds expended for
shipping costs-suffered through
Claim Denials/Disputes:
Any reputable claim shall be honored
by UNICOR, thereby eliminating the
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