TB 10-3510-220-24
technical manuals or literature.
c. Failure to properly install, connect,
position or adjust the end item and/or
equipment damaged as a result of
c o m p o n e n t s as prescribed by the
incorrect Technical Manuals or
appropriate Technical Manuals;
d. Failure to adequately preserve a
m. This warranty does not apply to
Laundry Unit before placing said unit
spare parts or equipment supplied by
into storage or failure to adequately
contractors other than Engineered Air
depreserve a Laundry Unit when said
Systems, Inc. or as noted otherwise in
unit is removed from storage;
this bulletin.
e. Transportation or storage of a
Actions required to keep this warranty
Laundry Unit under conditions
in effect are:
determined to be detrimental to the
performance of the unit;
a. P r o p e r m a i n t e n a n c e ( b o t h
preventive and corrective) of
f. Operation of the end item and/or
equipment as prescribed by approved
components outside stated
M a i n t e n a n c e Allocation Charts and
performance parameters;
technical publications;
g. Operation of the end item and/or
b. T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , p r e s e r v a t i o n ,
components for purposes other than
depreservation and storage in
h. Removal of components from one
s e r i a l numbered Laundry Unit for
c. Operation of the end item and
r e i n s t a l l a t i o n on a different serial
performance envelope(s);
(cannibalization). (Installation of
components that have been repaired
d. Use of the end item for its intended
under this warranty program being an
13. Abuse Determination. When abuse
i. M o d i f i c a t i o n o r r e t r o f i t o f
is suspected but not obvious, it is the
components or equipment not
Government's responsibility to provide
expressly authorized by Engineered
documentation of the maintenance of the
Air Systems, Inc.;
item to allow the contractor or a joint
contractor/Government panel to
j. Failure to maintain approproriate
determine if abuse has occurred. If abuse
d o c u m e n t a t i o n that would resolve
conclusively any question concerning
( a s defined in this bulletin) becomes
evident, the Government will reimburse
the use, maintenance or deployment of
the contractor for the repair and
the end item resulting in a warranty
a s s o c i a t e d repair and transportation
costs.. Warranties for replacement parts
will be the same as the warranty on
k. Deployment of the end item in a
replacent parts supplied in non-abuse
combat zone or exposure of the end
item to combat conditions.
l. This warranty does not apply to
(intentional or unintentional) has been
damage resulting from latent defects
determined, a statement shall be made
by the abuse determining activity as to
Maintenance Allocation Charts,
how abuse can be avoided in the future.