TB 10-3930-675-24
e. Correction. The elimination of a defect.
one thousand (1000) cumulative
operation, whichever occurs first.
f. Defect. Any condition or characteristic in
any parts furnished by the contractor that does
q. Warranty Period. Time during which the
not function
warranty is in effect. Normally measured in the
maximum number of years, months, days, miles,
g. Failure. A part, component, or end item
or hours used.
that fails to perform its intended use.
r. Warranty Start Date. The date the
warranty is put into effect (government
h. Manufacturer's Recall.
(1) Safety Recall. An item is recalled to
repair or replace a defective part(s) or assembly
3. Coverage -Specific.
that may affect safety.
a. The following conditions must be met in
(2) Service Recall. An item is recalled to
order for this warranty to apply. It is the
repair or replace a defective part(s) or assembly
responsibility of the owner to ensure that the
that does not affect the safe use of this item.
conditions below are fulfilled:
i. Owning Unit. The Army unit authorized to
(1) The local Kalmar representative must
operate and maintain the equipment.
carry out a delivery inspection, where this is
required, according to the delivery conditions.
j. Reimbursement. A written provision in
(2) The product must be operated and
this warranty in which the using/support unit may
maintained strictly in accordance with the
make the necessary repairs with prior approval
instruction manual and technical manuals.
from the contractor.
(3) Only original spare parts s pplied, or
approved for use by Kalmar RT will be used in
k. Repair. A maintenance action required to
the maintenance of the product as identified in
restore an item to serviceable condition without
the vehicle manuals.
affecting the warranty.
(4) Replaced parts must be kept available
for inspection until the warranty claim is finally
l. Supporting Repair Facility. The repair
activity authorized to accomplish repairs at the
(5) All defects under this warranty must be
appropriate level of maintenance identified in the
submitted in writing (electronic or hard copy)
Maintenance Allocation Chart.
using the approved form to an authorized dealer
or service agent of Kalmar, within the period of
time specified below.
m. Local Warranty Control Office/ Officer
(WARCO). Serves as the intermediary between
the troops owning the equipment and the local
b. This bulletin applies only to the Rough
dealer, contractor, or manufacturer. All warranty
Terrain Container Handler (RTCH), 53,000 Lb.,
claims actions will be processed through the
Model No. RT 240, NSN 3930 -01-473 -3998.
Kalmar RT Center under contract number
DAAEO7 -00-D-T021 manufactures this item.
n. Warranty. A written agreement between
The RTCH model and serial numbers are
a contractor and the Government which outlines
located on the data plate. The warranty remains
the rights and obligations of both parties for
valid for a maximum of 12 months from the date
defective parts.
of delivery (in service date) of the product to the
original purchaser or one thousand (1000)
o. Warranty Claim. Action started by the
cumulative hours of operation, whichever occurs
equipment user for authorized warranty repair or
first. If the product is not placed in service
(stored) at time of delivery, the warranty shall
expire within 12 months of being placed in
p. Warranty Expiration Date. The date the
service or 18 months from delivery date of the
warranty is no longer valid. This date for the
product from Kalmar whichever occurs first.
RTCH will be 12 Months from the Government
This warranty applies to the original purchaser
acceptance date (DD Form 250, Block 21A) or
and any subsequent owner who acquires the