TB 10-5411-224-24
The contractor responsibilities under the warranty encompass several areas of obligation to which the contractor
must respond. These areas include defects in materials and workmanship, shipping, handling, and packaging and the
process necessary to rectify these areas. The Contractor hereby guarantees the supplies and parts thereof, at the time of
acceptance or delivery, conform to the design and manufacturing requirements, be free from all defects in materials and
workmanship, and conform to all essential performance requirements as delineated in the technical data of the contract.
The guarantee will be for two (2) years after acceptance or twelve (12) months after deployment to a field unit, whichever
event occurs first. In all situations when repair or replacement requires transportation of the nonconforming or defective
item(s), shipping costs from line item delivery point to contractor's plant and return, shall be at the expense of the
contractor. The following paragraphs identify the various areas and the requisite actions.
a. Performance Requirements. The contractor shall promptly repair or replace such parts as are necessary to
correct defects as referenced herein, and the contractor shall bear the cost. Repair or replacement will be done only to
the level originally supplied under the contract.
b. Contractor Compliance. If the contractor fails to repair or replace such parts within 30 days promptly, the
contractor shall pay costs incurred by the Government in procuring such parts from another source and in accomplishing
the repair.
c. Authorized User Maintenance. If the Government determines that a defective or nonconforming warranted item
or component is within the maintenance capability of the user to repair or replace and does not require contractor repair
or replacement, then the Government shall be entitled, from the contractor, those actual costs incurred, including detail
parts, materials, and labor necessary to restore the item to an operational status.
d. Documentation of Warranty Repair or Replacement. Completion of warranty repair or replacement by the
contractor will be documented in Warranty Status Report.
e. Shipping. When replacement requires transportation of defective item(s), shipping costs from delivery point to
contractor's plant and return shall be borne by the contractor.
Handling. Handling requirements for the Light Weight Multipurpose Shelter may be found in TM 10-5411-224-