TB 5-2330-378-14
Midland Berg Spring Brake Chamber and
( 2 ) For Government accepted
Hub Cap Face -2
v e h i c l e s that have been placed in depot
years from date of vehicle
storage, that the time period allowed for
Government storage will not begin to run
Cooper Tires - Tread life, or when tread
a c c o m p l i s h e d to the satisfaction of the
is worn down to 2/32 of an inch
Government, on a by-vehicle basis.
as shown by tread wear
( 3 ) To notify the Government,
in writing, the date when retrofit of each
Redco Rims -5 years from
v e h i c l e , by model, serial number and
date of vehicle
USA registration number, has been
Any supplies or parts corrected or
d. Decal. A synopsis or simplified
f u r n i s h e d in replacement shall also be
s u m m a r y of the warranty coverage and
warranted to the same extent as supplies
its implementation will be imprinted on a
initially delivered. T h e contractor shall
decal comania approximately 3" X 4", and
p r e p a r e and furnish to the Government,
shall be mounted in view of the operator
data and reports applicable to any
on the curb side of the main rail as near
correction required under this clause
to the center as possible.
( i n c l u d i n g revision and up-dating of all
affected data called for under this
4. Government/Contractor Rights and
contract no increase in the contract
price. With respect to definitive supplies
wherever located, the warranty shall
a . The rights and remedies of the
i n c l u d e the furnishing, without cost to
G o v e r n m e n t provided in this clause are
t h e G o v e r n m e n t , o f n e w s u p p l i e s to
in addition to and do not limit any rights
r e p l a c e any that prove to be defective
afforded to the Government by any other
within the warranty period.
clause of the contract.
b. Manufacture's
Notification of
b. Initial
Recall. If a manufacturer's recall occurs
Defect/Election of Remedies.
G o v e r n m e n t has the option, in case of
deadlines the fleet or a portion thereof,
defective supplies, either to a) repair or
r e p l a c e t h e d e f e c t i v e supplies? and
t h e contractor will extend the term of
the warranty by a period of time equal to
c h a r g e resulting costs to the contractor,
t h e time from initial notification until
r e p l a c e the supplies. T h e Government
the time required to make necessary
must notify the contractor within 30 days
design defect corrections.
of the discovery of a defect, and inform
the contractor whether the repair or
done by
c. Manufacturer's Retrofit. I f
c o n t r a c t o r r e t r o f i t is required
Government or
c o n t r a c t o r agrees:
Notification of defect may be made
t e l e p h o n i c a l l y o r i n writing.
( 1 ) For Government accepted
t e l e p h o n i c notifications, the contractor
vehicles that have been fielded, to
e x t e n d the term of the warranty by a
confirmation on a case-by-case basis.
p e r i o d of time equal to the period of
time required for the contractor to make
c. Contractor
R e p a i r / R e p l a c e m e n t . If the Government
t h e necessary retrofits, on a by-vehicle
the c o n t r a c t o r t o effect
r e p a i r / r e p l a c e m e n t , the contractor must