TB 5-2410-237-14
c. Acceptance Date. The date annotated in the
supporting repair facility, division/corps, or threater
maintenance management center. All warranty claim
origin acceptance block, 21.a on the applicable DD Form
actions will be processed through the WARCO.
r. Warranty. A written agreement between the
d. Contractor. Caterpillar Incorporated, Defense
Government (TACOM) and the contractor (Caterpillar,
Products Department, 100 N.E. Adams Street, Peoria,
Peoria, IL) which outlines the rights and obligations of
Illinois 61629.
both parties for defective supplies.
e. CONUS. Continental United States.
s. Warranty
Action started by the
Government for
authorized warranty repair or
f. Defect. Any condition or characteristic of the
Depot/GS part(s) that is not in compliance with the
requirements of the contract or that does not otherwise
t. Warranty Expiration Date.
The date the
function or threatens not to function as intended.
warranty is no longer valid. This date is shown on the
warranty data plate, mounted on the equipment. This
g. Failure. A part, component, or end item that
date will be 18 months from the Government acceptance
fails to perform its intended use.
date (DD Form 250, Block 21.A).
Outside the Continental United
u. Warranty Period.
Time during which the
warranty is in effect.
i. Owning Unit. The Army unit authorized to
v. Warranty Start Date. The acceptance date of
operate, maintain, and use the equipment.
the warranted item by the Government (DD Form 250,
block 21.a).
j. Reimbursement. A written provision in this
warranty in which the Using/Support Unit may make the
necessary repairs, with or without prior approval from the
contractor and the Government will be reimbursed for
a. This warranty coverage only applies to the
the repair parts and labor costs.
following D7G Tractors, manufactured by Caterpillar Inc.,
under Contract DAAEO7-86-C-J031:
k. Remedy. The legal means to correct a failure/
(2) With Ripper and Winterized Cab, NSN
I. Repair.
A maintenance action required to
restore an item to serviceable condition without affecting
the warranty.
(4) With Winch and Winterized Cab, NSN
m. Reparable.
An item which may
reconditioned or economically repaired for reuse.
b. The contractor warrants all GS/Depot level
parts, assemblies or supplies are free from defects in
n. Serviceable. The condition of an item which
design, material and workmanship and will conform to
meets all the requirements and performs the functions
the contract specifications for a period of 18 months from
for which it was originally intended.
the acceptance date (annotated in block 21.A. of the
applicable DD Form 250).
o. Supporting Repair Facility. The repair activity
authorized to accomplish warrantable repairs at the
c. Parts, assemblies or supplies covered under the
GS/Depot level of repair.
warranty are those items authorized by the Maintenance
Allocation Chart (MAC) to replace or repair those items
at the "H" (GS/General Support) and "D" (Depot) level.
Army Tank-Automotive
Command. TACOM is the Major Subordinate Command
that manages the D7G Tractor.
For parts or assemblies
warrantable, the contractor will provide
at the
Government's option, one of the following:
q. WARCO. Warranty Control Office/Officer which
normally operate at the GS, Directorate of Logistics
(DOL), Director of Installation and Services (DIS),
(1) Cost reimbursement for GS/Depot parts,