TB 5-3825-229-14
4. Contractor Responsibilities.
a. During the warranty period, when the owning unit has directed the contractor to correct supplies, the
contractor will furnish all material required to correct the defective supplies.
b. When the contractor receives written notification requiring contractor repair, they will have the option:
(1) to correct the supplies in the field, or
(2) return the water distributor or parts to the contractors designated facility for correction.
When the contractor corrects the supplies all labor involved shall be borne by the contractor. Additionally, the
contractor shall arrange and bear all transportation costs of the supplies to its facility and return to user.
c. In the event the contractor is directed to correct the defect or systemic defect, he shall notify the
Government where he has elected to correct the defect: the field (wherever the equipment is located), the
contractor's or the dealer's facility. He shall advise the equipment owning activity verbally at least 48 hours prior
to correction and the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command, AMSTA-MS, in writing within 5 (five) days after
formal notification of claim with the following information the repair facility, location of facility, the time frame in
which the defect(s) will be corrected, and what dealer or individual(s) will perform the work. Should the contractor
fail to accomplish required warranty corrections within 10 (ten) working days after formal notification of 'warranty
claim, (or within such other time the parties may otherwise agree in writing), the contractor agrees to extend, at no
additional cost, the terms of coverage of this warranty for a time equal to the period beginning with Government
formal notification of claim until such date the supplies are corrected.
d. Repairs shall be completed within 10 (ten) working days after receipt of written claim notification.
Furthermore, the contractor will provide a copy of the work order to owning unit upon completion of repair. Should
the contractor fail to accomplish required warranty corrections within 10 (ten) working days after formal notification
of warranty claim, (or within such other time the parties may otherwise agree in writing), the contractor agrees to
extend, at no additional cost, the terms of coverage of this warranty for a time equal to the period beginning with
Government formal notification of claim until such date the supplies are corrected.
e. The contractor has the right to inspect any defective supplies, wherever located, within 30 days of
notification of warranty claim for the purpose of evaluating the cause of, or existence of the defect(s).
5. Government Responsibilities.
The Major Subordinate Command for the Water Distributor is the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command
(TACOM), Warren, Ml 48397-5000. TACOM is responsible for managing and implementing the warranty.
Warranty claims will be reported to:
U.S Army Tank-Automotive Command
Warren, Ml 48397-5000
Telephone: DSN 786-7423
Commercial (313) 574-7423
a. TACOM will:
(1) Verify, review, process and if valid and complete, submit claims 'to the contractor.
(2) Reject claims that are not valid and send them back to the local WARCO with a short explanation of
why the claim is rejected.
(3) Request additional information for incomplete claims.
(4) Provide warranty claim acknowledgment closeout letters and/or parts/assemblies disposition
instructions to the local WARCO.
(5) Insure the contractor performs in accordance to the terms of the contract.
b. Equipment owning unit will:
(1) Identify defects/failures and verify the defects/failures are warrantables.
(2) Submit warranty claims, using DA Form 2407, DA Form 2407-1, or DA Form 5504, or DA Form 5504-
1 through channels to the supporting repair facility,
(3) Tag and retain parts, pieces of parts and/or assemblies removed at the owning unit level as a result of
a warrantable defect/failure and/or correction.
c. Supporting Repair Facility will:
(1) Identify defects/failures as warrantable (if owning unit has not already identified them). Verify
defects/failures are warrantable.
(2) Review, process and submit valid warranty claims to the local WARCO if the DA Form 2407, DA