Alterations/Modifications. As alteration after production such as retrofit, re-manufacture, design change,
engineering change and the like.
Contractor support. Those services that are to be performed and those responsibilities that are placed upon
the contractor by the government as specified in the warranty contract/provisions. This support, which may
include such things as labor, parts, tools, training, technical packages, etc. will be used to support the
warranted equipment during the specified warranty period.
Defect. Any condition or characteristic in any supplies furnished by the contractor or under contract that is
not in compliance with the requirements of the contract.
Failed item. A part, component, or end item that fails to perform its intended use.
False return rate. The return of suspected defective warranty items to the manufacturer that are eventually
determined to be serviceable.
Manufacturer's recall.
Safety recall. A manufacturer recalls an item to repair or replace a defective part of assembly
which may affect public safety.
Service recall. A manufacturer recalls an item to repair or replace a defective part of assembly
which does not affect the safe use of the item.
Primary damage. The damage suffered by a part, component, or end item itself upon its failure.
Prime contractor. A party that enters into an agreement directly with the United States to furnish part or all of
a weapon system.
Reimbursement. A written provision in a warranty contract whereby the user may make the necessary
repairs with or without prior approval of the contractor and the government will be reimbursed for the repair
parts and/or labor costs.