TB 5-6115-638-23
17a thru 19 Leave blank.
20d. CB COOE Put in the name of the part or assembly under warranty.
20e. REF DESIGNATOR Put in the serial number of the part or assembly under warranty.
20g. Put in the estimated number of hours needed to replace the bad part. Use the proper technical
bulletin time schedule guide to get the estimated hours. IF you can't get the guide, use actual hours.
20h. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER Put in the NSN of the bad part. If an NSN is not found. use the
part number.
20i. j k Leave blank.
20a thru 20k Using the remaining spaces in block 20a--20k. put in this information: The NSN of the
defective item.
The name of the defective item.
The date of the failure.
The complete telephone number (AUTOVON/commercial with area code) of the person creating the
form. State clearly all factors which added to the failure. Include Factors such as type of operation and
land and weather conditions. State clearly your opinion as to why the part failed.
20l Total Manhours Self explained.
20m Total Manhour Coat Leave blank.
20n Total Parts Cost Self-explained.
21 thru 22 Leave blank.
23 Submitted The person authorized to send DA Form 2407 signs here
24 thru 28 Leave blank.