TB 9-2320-312-14
Form 2407 and DA Form 2407-1 is complete
and correctly filled out.
(3) Reject invalid warranty claims or
US Army Tank-automotive and
request additional information for incomplete
Armaments Command
and incorrect claims.
(4) Coordinate with the owning unit and
Mailstop: 420
decide which option for repair is desired to
6501 East 11 Mile Road
correct the warrantable defect/failure.
Warren, MI 48397-5000
(5) Depending on which repair option was
chosen (Government or Contractor repair)
Telephone: DSN 786-2326
provide labor/parts required to accomplish the
Commercial: (586) 753-2326
warrantable repairs.
(6) Tag and retain (IAW DA PAM 738-750
a. TACOM will:
and this TB) all parts, pieces of parts and/or
assemblies removed as a result of the
(1) Verify, review and process, and if valid
warrantable defect/failure and/or correction.
and complete, submit claims (reimbursable
and/or disputes) to the contractor.
(2) Reject claims that are not valid and
d. Local Warranty Control Office (WARCO)
send them back to the local WARCO with a
short explanation of why the claim is rejected.
(3) Request additional data for incomplete
(1) Verify, administer, and process
warranty claims to the TACOM M878A2 System
Manager (IAW DA PAM 738-750).
(4) Provide warranty claim
acknowledgment/close-out letters and/or
(2) Act as a liaison between owning unit,
parts/assemblies/disposition instructions to the
the contractor, supporting repair facility, and
local WARCO.
(5) Insure the contractor performs in
(3) Notify the owning units of all warranty
accordance with the terms of the contract.
claim acknowledgments/closeouts, information,
and/or instructions received from TACOM or the
b. Equipment owning unit will:
(4) Act as a liaison between local dealers
and the Army.
(1) Identify defects/failures and verify that
the defects/failures are warrantable.
(2) Submit warranty claims, using DA
e. Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP).
Form 2407, DA Form 2407-1, (Maintenance
The manufacturer's lubrication and service
Request Claims and Continuation Sheets)
intervals must be followed. Only after the
through channels to the supporting repair facility.
warranty has expired does AOAP apply to this
equipment, unless oil sample results indicate the
NOTE: DA Form 5504 or DA Form 5504-1 is
oil and filter of an assembly should be changed
the Continuation Sheet.
PRIOR to the manufacturer's service interval.
Sampling intervals for AOAP are in DA PAM
(3) Tag and retain (IAW DA PAM 738-750,
The Army Maintenance Management System
(TAMMS), and this TB) parts, pieces of parts
f. Alterations/Modifications. Alterations/
and/or assemblies removed at the owning unit
modifications shall not be applied unless
level as a result of a warrantable defect/failure
authorized by TACOM.
and/or correction.
c. Supporting repair facility will:
6. Claim Procedures.
(1) Identify and verify defects/failures as
a. The procedures for reporting warranty
warrantable (if owning unit has not already
claims are found in DA PAM 738-750 and this
identified them).
bulletin. Responsibilities of the MACOM are
found in AR 700-139 (The Army Warranty
(2) Review, process and submit valid
Program, Concepts and Policies). For all levels
warranty claims to the local WARCO if the DA
of maintenance operating under the Standard