cost of replacement parts required to correct the defect
clear view of the operator in conformance with MI L-
shall be reimbursed by the contractor, if such parts are
STD-130 and list the word "Warranty" across the top in
obtained through the Government's supply channels.
bold letters, the NSN, contractor and CAGE number,
Warranty claims, for reimbursement, where repair labor
the date the warranty starts by year and month and the
date the warranty expires by year and month.
costs and repair parts costs combined do not exceed
0.00 for any one failure will not be submitted to
b. When the vehicle is received, the owning unit
should locate the warranty data plate and check the war-
d. Identification of failed items. Failed warranty items
ranty start date with the date shown on the applicable
shall be tagged identified to prevent improper repair or
DD Form 250 or DD Form 1149. If these dates differ, dis-
use. Documents that describe the use of DA Form 2402
regard the data plate. The date shown on the DD Form
Exchange Tag and DA Form 2407 or DA Form 5504
250 or DD Form 1149 is the date to be used as a war-
Maintenance Request shall be referenced. Items requir-
ranty start date.
ing special handling, storage or shipment during the
processing of claims shall be identified.,
7. Claim Procedures.
e. Disposition. The repair activity shall retain defec-
tive supplies for thirty (30) days following receipt of ack-
a. The procedures for reporting warranty claims are
nowledgement of a warranty claim from TACOM. If re-
found in DA PAM 738-750 and this bulletin. Responsi-
ceipt of acknowledgement is not received, inquiries
bilities of the MACOM are found in AR700-139. For all
should be made to TACOM through your local WARCO.
levels of maintenance operating under the Standard
If receipt of acknowledgement is received but no instruc-
Army Maintenance System (SAMS), Warranty Claim
tions are forthcoming within thirty (30) days of receipt,
Actions are processed on Forms DA Form 5504 and DA
supplies may be disposed of.
Form 5504-1. For those units not operating under
SAMS, use DA Form 2407 and DA Form 2407-1. It is
f. False Returns. When supplies are inspected by the
very important to fill in the blocks on the forms as accu-
contractor and found to be non-warrantable due to
rately as possible.
abuse or improper maintenance, or the supplies are
found to be serviceable, the repair activity submitting the
b. The contractor shall be notified in writing, utilizing
claim may be required to make reimbursement for con-
DA Form 2407 or DA Form 5504 by TACOM following
tractor services. All failed items returned for warranty
discovery of a defect in supplies. This shall constitute
claim action will be monitored by TACOM.
formal notification of warranty claim and initiate the time
period for contractor responsibility and action under the
8. Reimbursement For Army Repair. Contractor shall
warranty. This notification shall include but not be lim-
reimburse the Government by submitting monies
ited to furnishing of the applicable equipment serial
monthly to TACOM, ATTN: AMSTA-EFD, Warren,
number, operating hours or miles on the equipment, part
Michigan 48397-5000. In the event that the repair activ-
number or NSN of the defective part and circumstances
ity should receive any reimbursement from the contrac-
surrounding the defect(s). At this time, the contractor
tor the monies must be forwarded to the above address.
will be further informed whether the Government has
elected to: (1) correct the defect itself, or (2) direct the
9. Claim Denial/Disputes. All denials or disputes will
contractor to correct the defect. The using unit will deter-
be handled by TACOM.
mine if they have the time and/or resources to correct
the defect themselves. When the unit does elect to cor-
10. Reporting. Reporting or recording action on a failed
rect the defect, replacement parts will be ordered using
item shall be as specified in DA PAM 738-750. Contrac-
the Government supply system.
tor or Repair Activity unique forms shall not be used.
c. The contractor shall reimburse the Government
11. Storage/Shipment/Handiing.
for the cost of Iabor involved in the correction of the de-
fect. The cost of labor involved shall be computed at the
rate of per hour multiplied by the number of labor
hours in such services appearing in the Governments
Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC). Additionally, the