TB 5-3810-306-14
d. Contractor Support. Those services that
m. Reimbursement. A written provision in this
are to be performed and those responsibilities that are
warranty contract whereby the user may make the
placed upon the contractor by the Government as
necessary repairs with or without prior approval of the
specified in the warranty contract/provision.
contractor and the Government will be reimbursed for the
support, which may include such things as labor, parts,
repair parts and/or labor costs.
tools, training, technical packages, etc., will be used in
support of the warranted equipment during the specified
n. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
warranty period.
condition without affecting the warranty.
e. Contractor.
o. Repair Activity. The activity authorized to
Company, Box 21, Shady Grove, PA 17256-0021.
perform repairs in accordance with the Maintenance
Allocation Chart (MAC).
Correction. The repair or replacement,
including redesign where necessary, of defective
p. Reparable.
An item that may be
supplies with the Government having the option to
reconditioned or economically repaired for reuse when it
correct the defect or lot defect, or direct the Contractor to
becomes unserviceable.
make the correction.
q. Serviceable. The condition of an item
g. Defect. Any condition or characteristic in
which may be new or used that meets all the
the Depot/GS parts that is not in compliance with the
requirements and performs the functions for which it was
requirements of the contract that does not otherwise
originally intended.
function or threatens not to function as intended.
Supplies. The end item and all parts and
h. Failed Item. A part, component, or end
accessories furnished by the contractor, including related
item that fails to perform its intended use.
services required by contract.
False Return. The return of suspected
s. WARCO. Warranty Control Offices who
defective warranty items to the manufacturer that are
serve as the intermediary between the troops owning the
eventually determined to be serviceable .
equipment and TACOM. All warranty claims will be
processed through the WARCO.
Lot Defect. Any condition or characteristic
in the Non-Depot/GS parts that is not in compliance with
Warranty. A written agreement between a
all requirements of this contract or that does not
contractor and the Government which outlines the rights
otherwise function, or threatens not to function, as
and obligations of both parties for correcting defective
intended; and which necessitates at the Government's
election, corrective action on a lot basis from those end
items previously accepted. Lot defect coverage shall
u. Warranty Claim. Action initiated by the
only be required when the actual failure/defect rate on
equipment user for authorized warranty repair,
Non-Depot/GS parts exceeds 150% of the predicted
replacement, or reimbursement made by the local dealer
failure rate of such parts.
or manufacturer.
k. Manufacturer's Recall. (1) Safety Recall.
v. Warranty Period. The time during which
A manufacturer recalls an item to repair or replace a
the warranty is in effect.
defective part or assembly which may affect public
safety. (2) Service Recall. A manufacturer recalls an
w. Warranty Start Date.
The date the
item to repair or replace a defective part or assembly
warranty is put into effect.
which does not affect the safe use of the item.
Coverage Specific.
Prime Contractor. A party that enters into
an agreement directly with the United States
a. This bulletin applies only to the Container
Government to furnish part or all of the end item.
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