TB 5-6115-585-23-1
9. Reparable.
An item that may be recondi-
The improper use, repair, or
tioned or economically repaired for reuse when
handling of warranted items such that the
it becomes unserviceable.
warranty may become void.
The date an item of
The condition of an item
Acceptance Date.
which may be new or used that meets all the
equipment is accepted into the Army's inven
requirements and performs the functions for
tory by the execution of the acceptance block
which it was originally intended.
and signing of a DD Form 250 or approved
acceptance document, by an authorized repre
sentative of the government.
11. WARCO. Warranty Control Offices estab-
lished at the intermediate General Support/Di-
Any alteration
rector of Industrial Operations Level or equi-
valent who serve as the intermediary between
after production such as retrofit, conversion,
design change, engineering
the troops owning the equipment and the local
dealer, contractor,
manufacturer, or the
change and the like.
National Maintenance Point (NMP).
All war-
ranty claim actions will be processed through
the WARCO.
4. Defect. Any condition or characteristic in
any suplies or services furnished by the
contractor under the contract that is not in
12. Warranty. A promise or statement of fact
compliance with the requirements of the con-
from a seller to a purchaser on the nature,
usefulness, or condition of the supplies or
performance of service to be furnished. The
main purpose of a warranty in a government
Failed Item. A part, component, or end
contract is to outline the rights and obligations
item that fails to perform its intended use.
of the contractor and the government for
defective items and services. It also serves to
foster quality performance by the contractor
but is not a substitute for an adequate quality
The return of sus-
False Return Rate.
assurance program.
pected defective warranty items to the manu-
facturer that are eventually determined to be
Warranty Claim.
Action started by the
equipment user for authorized warranty repair,
replacement, or reimbursement made from the
local dealer or manufacturer.
Reimbursement. A written provision in a
warranty contract whereby the user may make
the necessary repairs with or without prior
approval of the contractor and the Government
14. Warranty Period. Time during which the
will be reimbursed for the repair parts and/or
Normally measured as
warranty is in effect.
labor costs.
the maximum number of years, months, days,
miles, or hours used.
8. Repair.
To restore an item to serviceable
condition without affecting the warranty.
Warranty Start Date.
The date the
warranty is put into effect.