TB 9-2300-366-15
Bearing against failure for a period of five (5) years
(13) Consequential damages resulting from
from initial acceptance (Conditional or Final Accep-
a defect or failure
tance, whichever occurs first, as identified in Block 3
(14) Non-GS parts/components.
Note: Exclusive Vendor Extended
Thrust Bearing and any subsequent secondary
Warranties may provide coverage for
damage adjudged to have occurred as a result of a
C6 Thrust Bearing failure. This additional warranty
"Non-GS parts/components".
coverage applies only to MD3070PT transmissions
e. In addition to the GS Supplies warranty,
with a serial number earlier than 6510072174 and
transfer cases with a serial number earlier than 3265.
there are three "Exclusive Vendor Extended Warran-
ties". These warranties take advantage of additional
(NOTE: The C6 Thrust Bearing Warranty remaining
coverage (i.e., Non-GS Supplies and in some cases
after expiration of the 18 month/12,000 mile Stewart
the warranty duration is longer) provided by the
& Stevenson warranty, may be administered by the
contractors vendors. REMEMBER, these warranties
local WARCO with Allison at 1-317-242-5000).
are in addition to the basic warranty. These warran-
ties are provided by the following vendors, but will be
Important Notes: This "Exclusive Vendor Extended
administered by Stewart & Stevenson, through your
Warranty" requires that all labor must be performed
local WARCO, for the time frames indicated below
by an Allison authorized representative. Opening of
for each Vendor. (NOTE: To obtain services for these
any of the Allison components (excluding Vehicle
"Exclusive Vendor Extended Warranties", your local
Interface Module) voids the vendor extended warran-
WARCO simply contacts Stewart & Stevenson at 1-
ty for that part.
800-221-3688, and asks for the Warranty Depart-
(b) Caterpillar, Inc.
Defense & Federal Products, TC-A
(a) Allison Transmission
P.O. Box 470
P.O. Box 894
Mossville, IL 61552-0470
Indianapolis, IN 46206-0894
Phone: (309) 578-3295
Phone: (317) 242-5000
Warranty Duration for Engine - 18 months from final
Warranty Duration - 24 months from initial accep-
acceptance date or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs
tance (Conditional or Final Acceptance, whichever
first (same duration as GS Warranty).
occurs first, as identified in Block 3 of DD Form 250).
If you are unsure if the transmission is under warran-
Warranty Duration for Emission Related Components
ty, contact Stewart & Stevenson at 1-800-221-3688
- 60 months from final acceptance date, 100,000
and ask for their Warranty Department. Be prepared
miles, or 3,000 operating hours, whichever occurs
to provide both the vehicle and transmission serial
first. (NOTE: After the 18 months/12,000 miles
numbers. (NOTE: If any transmission warranty
Engine Warranty has expired, the local WARCO may
contact Caterpillar directly for the remaining Emission
remains after expiration of the 18 months/12,000
miles Final Acceptance Warranty, the local WARCO
Warranty, at 1-309-578-3295.)
may contact Allison at 1-317-242-5000).
Warranty Coverage for Engine - Provides coverage for
Warranty Coverage - Provides coverage for all genu-
complete engine (genuine Caterpillar components
ine Allison parts (all levels of maintenance), to include
only), all levels of maintenance.
the Transmission Assembly, Electronic Control Unit
(ECU), Vehicle Interface Module and Throttle Position
Warranty Coverage for Emission Related Components
- Provides coverage for the following components (all
levels of maintenance):
In addition to the above Warranty duration and
Coverage, Allison will warranty the transfer case C6