TB 9-2300-426-15
evidenced by the user's hand receipt or
p. Warranty Expiration Date. The date the
property book. Pass-Through Warranties may
warranty is no longer valid. This date will vary
be different.
depending on each vendor's Pass-Through
Warranty. The Material and Workmanship
d. Contractor. The supplier of equipment
Warranty expires 24 months after the
who enters into an agreement directly with the
Government Acceptance Date. Ohio Cast parts
Government to furnish supplies.
from the DD250 date.
e. Correction. The elimination of a defect.
q. Warranty Period. Time during which the
f. Defect. Any condition or characteristic in
warranty is in effect. Normally measured as the
supplies furnished by the Contractor that does
maximum number of years, months, days,
not function as intended.
miles, or hours used.
g. Pass-Through Warranty. A vendor's
r. Warranty Start Date. The date the
(e.g., Caterpillar) commercial warranty that
warranty is put into effect.
provides warranty coverage.
3. Coverages-Specific. The FMTVA1R, serial
h. Failure. A part, component, or end item
numbers 100001 through 199999, have
that fails to perform its intended use.
Material and Workmanship and Pass-Through
Warranties, which are Vendor's (Allison,
i. Owning Unit. The Army Unit authorized to
Caterpillar, Michelin) Commercial Warranties,
operate, maintain, and use the equipment.
as well as Ohio Casting warranty described in
j. Reimbursement. A written provision in
& Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems, LP
this warranty in which the Using/Support Unit
(TVSLP). The items identified in Table 1.
requests replacement parts from the Contractor
Supplier Summary Section are items which
to make the necessary repairs, and the
have Pass-Through Warranties available. The
Government will be reimbursed for the labor
terms, durations, warranty start dates, etc.,
required to correct or repair the end item.
vary greatly between the Vendors. For
example, some Vendor's Warranties begin
k. Repair. A maintenance action required to
when the item is manufactured, while others
restore an item to serviceable condition without
begin then the end item ships from TVSLP.
affecting the warranty.
Regardless of Pass-Through Warranties, all
items may be warranted by TVSLP under the
l. Supplies. All assemblies, subassemblies,
24 month Material and Workmanship Warranty
and down parts to the lowest level that
which covers parts and labor for claims having
comprise an end item.
a total value of 0.00 or more. Ohio Casting
m. WARCO. Serves as the intermediary
with DD250 date. To find out if a Pass-
between the troops owning the equipment and
Through Warranty for an item listed in Table
the local dealer, Contractor, or manufacturer.
1. Supplier Summary Section, the Material and
All warranty claim actions will be processed
Workmanship Warranty, or Ohio Casting
through the WARCO.
effect, simply contact your local WARCO. Your
n. Warranty. A written agreement between
local WARCO can inquiry TVSLP's website
the Contractor and the Government which
(www.tvsonlinesupport.com) or contact TVSLP
outlines the rights and obligations of both
at 1-800-221-3688, and ask for the Warranty
parties for defective supplies.
Department. The Warranty Department will
o. Warranty Claim. Action started by the
determine if the warranty is still in effect. This
equipment user for authorized warranty repair
or reimbursement.
vehicles listed. The items are manufactured
by Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle