TB 9-2835-255-12
f. Failure. A part, component, or end item that fails to
3. Coverage-Specific.
perform its intended use.
a. This bulletin applies to the AGT 1500 Engine Mod-
ule, NSN 2835-01-216-8639, P/N 5705196. The item is
g. Manufacturer's Recall.
manufactured by Textron Lycoming, under contract(s)
(1) Safety Recall. An item is recalled to repair or re-
DAAE07-84-C-A001 ,
place a defective part or assembly which may affect
b. Inquiries to
Textron can be
made by
(2) Service Recall. An item is recalled to repair or
1-800-243-9856, extension 1245.
replace a defective part(s) or assembly which does not
c. The contractor warrants the supplies are free from
affect the safe use of this item.
defects in design, material and workmanship for the du-
h. Owning Unit. The Army unit authorized to oper-
ration of this warranty, a period of 15 months from the
ate, maintain and use the equipment.
warranty start date, but not to exceed 24 months from
the date the engine was accepted, whichever comes
i. Reimbursement. A written provision in this war-
first. Unit/Direct Support part failures are not warrant-
ranty in which the Using/Support Unit may make the
able and require no field action, unless directed by
necessary repairs, with or without prior approval from
the contractor, and the Government will be reimbursed
d. If a Safety Recall defect occurs during the vehicle
for the repair parts and labor costs.
warranty period, the contractor agrees to extend the
j. Repair. A maintenance action required to restore
terms of the warranty to the time required to make nec-
an item to serviceable condition without affecting the
essary safety defect corrections. Also, if the contractor
or his supplier(s) provide a greater warranty for the sup-
k. Supporting Repair Facility. The repair activity
plies furnished, the contractor will provide the greater
authorized to accomplish warrantable repairs at the ap-
warranty to the Government.
propriate level of maintenance identified in the Mainte-
e. If a defect /failure is caused by or falls within any of
nance Allocation Chart (MAC).
the following categories, it is not considered warrantable
and a claim should not be initiated:
l. Supplies. The assemblies/parts identified in the
MAC for the end item as General Support/Depot compo-
(1) Misuse or negligence
nents furnished by the contractor.
(2) Accidents
m. WARCO. Serves as the intermediary between
(3) Improper operation
the troops owning the equipment and the local dealer,
(4) Improper storage
contractor, or manufacturer. All warranty claim actions
(5) Improper transport
will be processed through the WARCO.
(6) Improper or insufficient maintenance service
n. Warranty. A written agreement between a con-
(7) Improper alterations or repairs
tractor and the Government which outlines the rights
(8) Defect/failure discovered or occuring after
and obligations of both parties for defective supplies.
warranty expiration date
o. Warranty Claim. Action started by the equipment
(9) Non GS/Depot parts/components
user for authorized warranty repair or reimbursement.
4. Contractor Responsibilities.
p. Warranty Expiration Date. The date the war-
a. When the owning unit has directed the contractor
ranty is no longer valid. This date will be 15 months from
to correct the supplies, the contractor will furnish all ma-
the Government acceptance date (DD Form 250, Block
terial required to correct the defective supplies. Repairs
21 .A).
shall be initiated within ten (10) working days after re-
q. Warranty Period. Time during which the warranty
ceipt of written claim notification. Furthermore, the con-
is in effect. Normally measured as the maximum num-
tractor will provide a copy of the work order to owning
ber of years, months, days, miles, or hours used.
unit upon completion of repair.
r. Warranty Start Date. The date the warranty is put
b. When the contractor receives written notification
into effect.
requiring contractor repair, they will have the option: