ARMY TB 9-6115-671-24
(3) Upon receipt of the warranted item, the contractor shall repair or replace the warranted item at their discretion
and return the item to the warrantee claimant, providing an information copy of the contractor's return
paperwork to the CECOM WARCO. If the claim is not valid, CECOM will be notified and disposition
instructions requested.
Government Responsibilities/Identification.
a. CECOM Warranty Office. The CECOM Customer Feedback Office (CFO), AMSEL-LC-LEO-D-CS-CFO is
responsible for administrative functions of the warranty program. The CFO maintains a warranty claims central
database for reporting and tracking. To access this database, use the following Web address:
This website is where you submit a warranty claims action or request warranty claim status. It is recommended that
you bookmark the last page to expedite future inquiries. If you experience any difficulties with this process,
personnel points of contact will be available through the "Help" feature. The Army Electronic Product Services
(AEP) home page will first prompt you to accept or reject a security notice; you want to "accept". On the following
page, select "Access Request Forms"; this will allow you to enter pertinent information in order to obtain a Password
and User ID. Your information will be evaluated and, if accepted, you will be provided your personnel Password
and User ID, by email. After you have received your Password and User ID, re-enter the Web address: to enter into the AEPS site. On the next page you will see "Tabs" at the top of the page,
below the tab line click on the word "Supply". This will take you to the page named "Supply Services", on this
page, select the drop down "On Line Supply Function". Under "On-Line Supply Function" drop down, select
"Product Quality Deficiency Reports" and then select "Continue". This will bring up the Product Quality Deficiency
Report Form, SF 368. All reporting of warranty claims will be accomplished through the use of this form. Select the
radial button for "Warranty Claims Action" and proceed to complete form as required. To request warranty claim
status, at the "On-line Supply Function" drop down, select "PQDR Database Search" instead of "Product Quality
Deficiency Report". The CECOM Warranty Program Manager can be reached at DSN 992-5721 or Commercial
(732) 532-5721. A warranty hotline DSN 992-4190 operates 24 hours a day. All calls will receive a response within
48 hours. The warranty office FAX is DSN 992-1413 or Commercial (732) 532-1413. Further processing of
warranty claims from the field units are handled by the CECOM Generator Branch, AMSEL-LC-CCS-G-GN. The
Government will initiate Warranty Claim Actions (WCA) for warranty items and Product Quality Deficiency
Reports (PQDRs) for systematic failures in accordance with DA PAM 738-750 and this Technical Bulletin. The
Generators Branch will coordinate warranty claims with the contractor and CECOM Contracting Officer as
b. Field Responsibilities. The field is responsible for the proper care and maintenance of the generator set. Failure to do
so could void the warranty or warranty claim. The field is also responsible for sending the item to MCII per
disposition instructions provided by the RMA. Troubleshooting should be performed to the level of the failed part, to
the extent authorized in the Technical Manuals furnished with the TQG Generator set, with the exception of the
Diesel Engine, the Starter, the Battery Charging Alternator and the Main Alternator. Troubleshoot the Diesel Engine,
Starter, Battery Charging Alternator and Main Alternator to the minimum extent necessary to determine that the
component has failed, and submit the warranty claim listing the component, symptoms, and troubleshooting results.
Teardown of Diesel Engine, Starter, Battery Charging Alternator and Main Alternator or other components not
specifically described in the Technical Manuals, to determine the failed part inside the warranted component may
invalidate the warranty.
Claim Procedures. The following procedures provide instructions for processing warranty claims (refer to DA
PAM 738-750).
Identification of Failed Items. Generator sets and components thereof that experience a warranty failure shall be
tagged/identified to prevent improper repair or use. Complete an SF-368 (PQDR) or Maintenance Request Form,
DA Form 2407 (refer to DA PAM 738-750). There are no items requiring special handling, storage, or shipment
during the processing of warranty claims. The completed warranty claim form shall be provided through local
procedures to the CECOM CFO. The submitting unit shall await disposition instructions from CECOM.
b. Disposition. Upon notification by CECOM WARCO that the item is to be returned to the Prime Contractor, the
using activity will package and return the item directly to the address noted in the disposition instructions. A copy of
the SF-368 and/or Maintenance Request Form, DA Form 2407, as appropriate, will be forwarded with the failed item
using the Return Material Authorization (RMA) provided by MCII.