TB 5-3810-306-14
Diesel/Powered, LIN C 39398, Model RT 875CC, Army
tions within ten (10) working days after formal notification
of warranty claim, the contractor agrees to extend, at no
manufactured by Grove Manufacturing Company, Box
additional cost, the terms of coverage of this warranty
21, Shady Grove, PA 17256-0021, CAGE 12361,
from time of Government formal notification of claim until
Contract Number DAAE07-87-C-J006.
the date the supplies are repaired.
b. The manufacturer warrants the supplies are
c. The contractor shall retain the right to
free from defects in design, material, and workmanship
inspect any defective part wherever located within thirty
and will conform with the specifications and all
(30) days of formal notification of warranty claim, for the
requirements of the contract for a period of eighteen
purpose of evaluating the cause of/or existence of the
months from date of acceptance.
defect(s). If instructions are not received within the thirty
(30) day period, the Government will dispose of defective
The two specific Warranty Actions are:
parts. The inspection described above does not relieve
the contractor of his responsibility to immediately initiate
(1) "Defect" means any condition or
the warranty replacement/repair action when notified by
characteristic in Depot/IGS parts that is not in
the Government of a warranty claim.
compliance with the requirements of the contract, or that
does not otherwise function or threatens not to funtion.
d. The
manufacturer to provide the replacement parts.
(2) "Lot Defect" means any condition or
Contractor provided replacement parts shall be delivered
characteristic in the Non-Depot/IGS parts that is not in
as follows: With respect to defective supplies, wherever
compliance with all the requirements of the contract, or
located, the warranty shall include the furnishing , without
that does not otherwise function or threatens not to
cost to the Government, Free on Board (F.O.B.) any
function as intended; and which necessitates at
CONUS destination at Government's direction,
Government election, corrective action on a lot basis
replacement parts to repair/replace any supplies that
from those end items previously accepted. Lot defect
prove to be defective within the warranty period. The
coverage shall only be required when the actual
contractor shall provide replacement parts to this location
failure/defect rate on Non-Depot/IGS parts exceed 150%
within ten (10) working days after receipt of formal
of the predicted failure rate of such parts.
notification of claim. If Government elects to correct the
Contractor's Responsibilities.
defect or lot defect, the contractor shall reimburse the
Government for the cost of labor in the correction,
inclusive of the cost of the end disassembly and
a. The Government has the option (a) to
reassembly. The cost of labor shall be computed at the
require the contractor to correct the defect(s) or (b) to
rate of .00 per hour multiplied by the number of labor
correct the defect(s) itself. If the Government directs the
hours or portions thereof for such services in the
contractor to correct the defect or lot defect, the
contractor's flat rate time schedule manual submitted to
contractor shall have the option (a) to correct the defect
the Government.
in the field or (b) return the end item or parts thereof to
the manufacturer's plant, branch, or dealer facility for
correction. When the contractor corrects the defects or
Government Responsibilities.
lot defect, all costs shall be borne by the contractor.
The Major Subordinate Command responsible for
Repairs shall be completed within ten (10) working days
administration of the RTCC Warranty Program is U.S.
after receipt of formal notification of claim.
Army Tank -Automotive Command (TACOM), ATTN:
b. The contractor will advise the equipment
AMSTA-MV, Warren, Michigan 48397-5000. TACOM is
owning activity, and the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive
responsible for managing the warranty and implementing
Command, (TACOM), AMSTA-MS, in writing within five
the warranty clause in the contract. For additional
(5) days after formal notification of claim with the
information on the RTCC or any TACOM equipment,
following: The repair facility, location of facility, the time
contact your local Warranty Coordinator (WARCO) or
frame in which the defect(s) will be corrected, and what
TACOM Logistics Assistance Representative (LAR). If
dealer or individual(s) will perform the work. Should the
additional information is required, contact TACOM
contractor fail to accomplish required warranty correc-
through the 24 hour hot line. The number is AUTOVON
786-7889, commercial is (313)574-7889.