TB 10-4610-232-24
j. Failure to maintain appropriate documentation
e. Alterations/Modifications. Alterations and/or
that would resolve, conclusively, any question concerning
modifications shall not be made unless expressly
the use, maintenance, or deployment of the ROWPU
authorized or directed by: U.S. Army Aviation and Troop
resulting in a warranty claim.
Command (ATCOM), ATTN: AMSAT-I-MC, 4300
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798, DSN 693-
Any abuse or misuse of the equipment.
3117, CMCL (314) 263-3117.
Damage caused by combat conditions.
Equipment performance is as specified in the
appropriate technical manual.
suspected but not obvious, it is the Government's
responsibility to provide documentation of the item to
allow the contractor or a joint contractor/Government
does not apply to equipment performance deficiencies
panel to determine if the abuse has occurred. If abuse
attributable to:
(as defined in this bulletin) becomes evident, the
Government will reimburse the contractor for the repair
a. Installation, utilization or operation not in
and associated repair and transportation costs.
accordance with the operating instructions and technical
Warranties for replacement parts will be the same as the
data provided with the unit.
warranty on the replacements parts supplied in non-
abuse situations.
b. Operation, repair or alteration by individuals not
trained in proper operation or maintenance of the unit.
(Exchange Tag) and 2407 (Maintenance Request) shall
c. Repairs with, or an addition of, items not
be used by the field in reporting warranty claim actions.
supplied by or approved by KECO Industries.
The purpose of these forms is for the seller to repair or
replace any defective part so the equipment can be
d. Failure to perform operation and maintenance in
returned to an operational readiness mode. Warranty
accordance with Technical Manuals TM 10-4610-232-12,
claims from using field units shall be forwarded to the
TM 10-4610-232-34, and the Maintenance Allocation
ATCOM Maintenance Directorate (IMMC), Field Data
Chart included in those manuals.
Division, Operations Branch, Attn AMSAT-I-MDO, 4300
Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798, DSN
e. Transportation or storage of a ROWPU unit
693-1955, CMCL (314) 263-1955. Data FAX number
under conditions determined to be detrimental to the
DSN 693-1761, CMCL (314) 263-1761. Upon receipt of
performance of the unit.
these forms ATCOM will initiate and forward an MDR to
the Contractor.
f. Operation of the ROWPU or its components
outside stated performance parameters.
a. Identification of Failed Item. All failed warranty
g. Operation of the ROWPU for purposes other
items shall be tagged/identified to prevent improper
than intended (as a water purification system).
repair or use. All failed items shall be tagged using DA
Form 2402, Exchange Tag, and DA Form 2407,
h. Removal of components from one serial-
Maintenance Request, will be completed in accordance
numbered ROWPU for reinstallation on a different serial-
with DA PAM 738-750.
numbered ROWPU (cannibalization). (Installation of
components that have been repaired under this warranty
b. Disposition. In the event of a failed warranty
program being an exception.).
item, all procedures for handling, repair, and evacuation
of the failed item shall be as determined by the
i. Modifications or retrofit of components or
applicable WARAO.
equipment not expressly authorized by KECO Industries.