TB 10-4610-232-24
Table 1-1. Covered Item.
returned and not timely repaired or replaced.
c. If the government determines that a defective
Water Purification Unit
warranted item is within the maintenance capability of the
Reverse Osmosis, 3,000 GPH
user, but is within the responsibility of the contractor as
Trailer Mounted, Flatbed
prescribed herein, the user may proceed to repair or
Cargo, 22 1/2 Ton, 8 Wheel
replace. Any parts which are shown to be defective at the
time of delivery, may be returned to the contractor for
replacement and the contractor will replace them at no
Line Item Number:
cost to the government.
Model Number:
d. In all situations where repair or replacement
requires transportation of the nonconforming or defective
item(s), shipping costs from the original line item delivery
KECO Industries
point to the contractor's plant and return shall be at the
and Part Number:
7375 Industrial Road
expense of the contractor.
Florence, KY 41402
CAGEC: 94833
Part Number: 13229E0000
Government will initiate warranty claim actions (WCA) for
warranted items and material deficiency reporting (MDR)
Serial Numbers:
93001 through 93078
actions for system failures in accordance with DA PAM
Contract Number:
738-750. The ATCOM warranty administration office
(WARAO), AMSAT-A-TCB, DSN 693-2819, CMCL (314)
Coverage Period:
18 months from date unit
263-2819, will handle warranty claims that are generated
is placed into service.
by the using units. The ATCOM WARAO, in conjunction
with the ATCOM Contracting Officer will generate action
Type of Coverage:
Material and
with the contractor to resolve the WCA's.
a. Government Maintenance. Using units are
allowed to perform
troubleshooting, preventive
contractor is responsible for providing repair or
maintenance and replacement of defective components
replacement of warranted items as prescribed by this
as authorized by Technical Manuals TM 10-4610-232-12
Technical Bulletin upon receipt, within the warranty
and TM 10-4610-232-34 and the Maintenance Allocation
period, of a properly completed Maintenance Request
Chart included in those manuals.
Form (DA Form 2407) along with the hardware to be
repaired or replaced.
b. Owning Unit Responsibilities. Owning unit will
initiate warranty claim actions (WCA) for warranted items
a. The contractor shall repair or replace all
in accordance with DA PAM 738-750.
defective parts within 30 days of receipt as above
provided, or within such additional time as the contractor
c. Warranty Administration Office (WARAO)
and contracting officer shall agree is reasonable under
Responsibilities. The WARAO for the ROWPU is the U.
all circumstances.
S. Army Aviation and Troop Command, 4300 Goodfellow
Blvd., St. Louis, MO. WARAO responsibilities are
b. If the contractor fails to accomplish the repair or
identified in the Government Responsibilities paragraph
replacement within the prescribed time limits, the
government may procure the required parts from another
source and the contractor shall be responsible to
d. Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP).
reimburse the government the costs of such
Not applicable.
procurement as well as reasonable labor charges to
effect the repair. In such event, the contractor may retain
the items which were