TB 10-4610-232-24
c. False Returns. If items are returned to the
f. Claims / Denials / Disputes. In the event the
Contractor that are found to be serviceable, nullified in
Contractor denies or disputes a warranty claim, the claim
accordance with paragraph 3.1, or it is determined that
shall be referred to the WARAO who initiated the
the failure was not subject to the guarantee set forth,
warranty claim for final disposition. When a dispute
KECO Industries will notify the contracting officer
arises, settlement will be established by negotiation
requesting an equitable adjustment to the contract price.
between ATCOM and the Contract Administrator of
KECO Industries.
d. Receipt/Verification of Contractor Repairs.
g. Reporting. Reporting or recording action on a
After a warranted item has been repaired by the
contractor, the Contract Administrator of KECO
failed item shall be as specified in DA PAM 738-750.
Industries shall provide acceptable quality control and
inspection documentation to the Government that all
covered repairs have been completed.
handling of the equipment or its components shall be as
prescribed in Technical Manuals TM 10-4610-232-12
e. Reimbursement for Army Repair. Refer to
and TM 104610-232-34. Instructions for shipment of
components will be provided by the ATCOM Warranty
Administration Office. No shipment shall be made
for Army repair.
without direct authority from the WARAO.