TB 10-4610-239-24
a. On units used within the 50 states of the United States and the District of Columbia. MECO shall furnish new
items to replace any defective items, without cost to the Government. MECO shall furnish, during the first 90 days of the
warranty period, at no cost to the Government, a technical service representative to supervise and assist in replacing and
adjusting the failed items affected in any unresolved type warranty action. Response by MECO shall be within 10 days
after Government notification of this desired service.
b. On units used outside the 50 states of the United States and outside the District of Columbia. MECO will furnish
new items to replace any that prove to be defective within the warranty period. Such items shall be delivered by MECO to
the Port of Embarkation designated by the Government. Return of defective items to the contractor shall be at the option
and the expense of the contractor. If the contractor maintains established business facilities servicing the geographic area
of concern, a technical service representative shall be furnished in accordance with the terms of paragraph a relating to
technical service representatives. Where the contractor maintains no such facilities. the repair and/or replacement item(s)
shall be accompanied by detailed installation instructions.
c. The cost of any labor involved in the repair or replacement of items at MECO shall be at the expense of the
contractor. When repair or replacement requires transportation of the nonconforming or defective item(s), shipping costs,
not to exceed usual commercial method of shipment from line item delivery point to contractor's plant and return, shall be
at the expense of the contractor.
5. Government Responsibilities. Using activities are responsible for reporting failures to: U.S. Army Troop Support
Command, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, Attn: AMSTR-MEPN, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798, AUTOVON 693-9393,
Commercial (314) 263-9393 during the hours of 0800 1600 Central Standard Time (CTS). U.S. Army Troop Support
Command shall be responsible for administering the warranty program for the ROWPU.
6. Government Maintenance.
The Government will be responsible for completing preventive and corrective
maintenance in accordance with the approved Maintenance Allocation Chart.
7. Owning Unit Responsibilities. The owning unit responsibilities shall be the same as those identified in the
Government Responsibilitiesand Government Maintenance paragraphs.
8. Warranty Control Office (WARCO) Responsibilities. The Warranty Control Office for the ROWPU is: U.S. Army
Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTR-MEPN, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO. WARCO responsibilities
are identified in the Government Responsibilities paragraph.
Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). The Army Oil Analysis Program does not apply to the ROWPU.
10. Alterations/Modifications. Alterations and modifications shall not be made unless expressly authorized or directed
by: U.S. Army Troop Support Command, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO. 63120-1798.
11. Design/Performance Specifications. Equipment performance is as specified in the appropriate technical manual.
The warranty tag for the unit is located on the unit control panel, or on the frame.
12. Nullification. Actions taken by Government personnel which will void ROWPU end item or component warranties
a. Failure to operate the ROWPU and/or components in accordanc e with approved Technical Manuals.
b. Failure to maintain the ROWPU and/or components in accordance with approved Maintenance Allocation Chart
recommendation and Technical Manual procedures.
c. Failure to adequately preserve a ROWPU unit before placing said unit into storage, or failure to adequately
depreserve a ROWPU when said unit is removed from storage.