TB 10-4610-239-24
e. Transportation or storage of a ROWPU unit under conditions determined to be detrimental to the performance of
the unit.
f. Operation of the end item and/or components outside stated performance parameters.
g. Operation of the end item and/or components for purposes other than intended (as a water purification system).
h. Removal of components from one serial numbere d ROWPU for reinstallation on a different serial numbered
ROWPU (cannibalization). (Installation of components that have been repaired under this warranty program being an
i. Modification or retrofit of components or equipment not expressly authorized by MECO.
j. Deployment of the end item in a combat zone, or exposure of the end item to combat conditions.
k. This warranty does not apply to spare parts or equipment supplied by contractors other than MECO, or as noted
otherwise in this WTB.
l. Any abuse such as: improper use, repair, or handling of warranted item.
Actions required to keep this warranty in effect are:
a. Proper maintenance (both preventive and corrective) of equipment as prescribed by approved Maintenance
Allocation Charts and Technical Publications.
b. Transportation, preservation, depreservation, and storage in accordance with technical documentation.
c. Operation of the end item and components within stated performance envelope(s).
d. Use of the end item for its intended purpose.
13. Abuse Determination. When abuse is suspected, but not obvious, it is the Government's responsibility to provide
documentation of the maintenance of the item to allow the contractor, or a joint contractor/Government panel, to determine
if abuse has occurred. If abuse (as defined in this bulletin) becomes evident, the Government will reimburse the contractor
for the repair (associated repair and transportation costs). Warranties for replacement parts will be the same as the
warranty on replacement parts supplied in non-abuse situations.
14. Abuse Avoidance. When abuse (intentional or
unintentional) has been determined, a
statement shall be
made by
abuse determining activity as to how abuse can be avoided in the future.
15. Claim Procedures. A Warranty Claim Form, DA Form 2407, from the using field units, is to be forwarded to the U.S.
Army Troop Support Command (TROSCOM) WARCO directly, or through the local WARCO. Refer to DA PAM 738-750,
Maintenance Management Update (most current issue), Table J-I, for worldwide WARCO offices.
a. Identification of Failed Items. Failed items should be identified as follows:
(1) Failed warranty items should be tagged/identified to prevent improper repair or use. DA Form 2402 Exchange
Tag shall be completed and attached to the defective component. Refer to Appendix A for instructions on completing DA
Form 2402.
(2) DA Form 2407 Maintenance Request is to be completed. Refer to Appendix B for instructions on completing
DA Form 2407.