TB 10-4610-239-24
a. The commander or the designated representative signs when a PD of 01 through
10 is in Block 7.
b. Enter the job order number when a PD of 01 through 10 is taken from a
maintenance request.
9. END ITEM NOMENCLATURE. Enter the noun abbreviation of the end item for the
part or component in Block 5.
10. MODEL. Enter the model number of the end item
11. SERIAL NO. Enter the serial number of the end Item.
12. DEFICIENCY OR SYMPTOM. Briefly describe the problem.
13. DATE ACCEPTED. When the form is used as a receipt. the exchange facility will
enter the Julian date.
14. SIGNATURE. The person who receives the Item for exchange, signs.
15. NMCS. Print the word "Yes" for an NMCS condition.
16. JON. The facility that will repair the item enters the job number.
17. INITIALS. The person receiving the item for repair initials in this block
18. DATE REPAIRED. The person doing the work enters the date the work was finished.
19. INITIALS. The person doing the work initials in this block.