TB 10-4610-240-24
Coverage - Specific. Engineered Air Systems, Inc. (EASI), (the contractor) warrants that each 600 GPH
Reverse Osmosis Purification Unit (ROWPU) and each component of the ROWPU is manufactured to conform to
specific performance requirements identified in Contract DAAK01-87-C-A018. Additionally, EASI warrants that each
ROWPU and components of that same ROWPU are free from defects in materials and workmanship that would cause
the ROWPU to fail to conform to performance requirements specified in Contract DAAK01-87-C-A018. These conditions
apply for a period of two years from date of issue not to exceed four years from date of delivery as shown on the Material
Inspection Receiving Report (DD Form 250). This warranty applies only to components originally installed by EASI which
can be identified by serial number as factory-installed on a specific ROWPU or to components repaired under the
conditions of this warranty. The sole obligation of EASI shall be, at its option. to repair or replace any article or part
which is proven to be other than warranted. For EASI to be obligated under this warranty, EASI must be notified, in
writing, within thirty days of discovery of a failed component or item. Upon determination that a defect is covered by this
warranty, EASI will replace or repair (at its option) without charge to the U.S. Government. If the defect is determined
not to be covered by this warranty, EASI will advise the Warranty Control Office (WARCO) and will not proceed until
written authorization and costing in formation is agreed upon. Under this warranty, the contractor is limited to the repair
or replacement of a defective article. If repair or replacement is impossible or cannot be accomplished in time to meet
Government schedules, the contractor will refund the purchase price including transportation. If the contractor
determines that a unit or component is not, for any reason, covered by this warranty, no warranty work will be performed
except at the written direction of the Contracting Officer for Contract DAAK-87-C-A018. Thereafter, the matter will
proceed through the "Disputes" clause of this document. In the case of Government-furnished equipment or property,
EASI warrants that installation to (or of) Government-furnished property by EASI will not degrade the performance or
reliability of that Government-furnished property. Modification of Government-furnished property by EASI (other than
installation of equipment) is warranted for two years from the date of acceptance.
Contractor Responsibilities.
EASI is responsible for providing repair or replacement of warranted
items/components within 30 days after notification. EASI is located at 1270 North Price Road, St. Louis, MO. 63132,
(314) 993-5880). The items determined to be defective due to defective material or workmanship, will be replaced with
new or rebuilt items at no cost to the Government. Transportation costs for warranty service will be borne by the
Government Responsibilities. Using activities are responsible for reporting failures to U.S. Army Troop
Support Command, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., Attn: AMSTR-MEPN, St. Louis, Mo. 63120-1798, AUTOVON 693-9393,
CMCL (314) 263-9393 during the hours of 0700-1500 CST. U.S. Army Troop Support Command shall be responsible for
administering the warranty program for the ROWPU.
Government Maintenance. The Government will be responsible for completing preventive and corrective
maintenance in accordance with the approved Maintenance Allocation Chart. The Government will also be responsible
for maintaining and providing to EASI appropriate maintenance records for each ROWPU by serial number and each
maintenance action performed on each ROWPU or ROWPU component by serial number (if applicable). The
Government will make these records available for contractor examination to determine warranty coverage for
components and/or end items.
Owning Unit Responsibilities. The owning unit responsibilities shall be the same as those identified in the
Government Responsibilities and Government Maintenance paragraphs.
Warranty Control Office (WARCO) Responsibilities. The WARCO for ROWPU is U.S. Army Troop Support
Command, 4300 Goodfellow, St.
Louis, MO.
WARCO responsibilities are identified in the Government
Responsibilities paragraph.
Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). The AOAP does not apply to the ROWPU.