TB 10-4610-240-24
Operation of the end item and components within stated performance envelope(s);
Use of the end item for its intended purpose.
Abuse Determination. When abuse is suspected but not obvious, it is the Government's responsibility to
provide documentation of the maintenance of the item to allow the contractor or a joint contractor/Government panel to
determine if abuse has occurred. If abuse (as defined in this bulletin) becomes evident, the Government will reimburse
the contractor for the repair and associated repair and transportation costs. Warranties for replacement parts will be the
same as the warranty on replacement parts supplied in non-abuse situations.
Abuse Avoidance. When abuse (intentional or
unintentional) has been determined, a
statement shall be
by the abuse determining activity as to how abuse can be avoided in the future.
Claim Procedures.
When the need for warranty service becomes evident, the following steps must be
Identification of Failed Items. Failed items should be identified as follows:
(1) Failed warranty items should be tagged/identified to prevent improper repair or use. DA Form 2402
Exchange Tag shall be completed and attached to the defective component. Refer to Appendix A for instructions on
completing DA Form 2402.
(2) DA Form 2407 Maintenance Request is to be completed. Refer to Appendix B for instructions on
completing DA Form 2407.
The WARCO and EASI must be notified of the failure in writing within 30 days of failure occurrence.
(4) Non-direct exchange (non-DX) claim items. When the warranted item is not handled through DX, the
unit prepares and sends a completed DA Form 2402 (with exhibit) and DA Form 2407 to the installation warranty claims
office. The office then deals with the DA Form 2407 as follows:
(a) Send copy #1, #2, and#5 to CDR, TROSCOM, ATTN: AMSTR-MOF, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
Louis, MO 63120-1798. One of these copies will go to the item manager to show a supply demand.
(b) Keep copy #3 for 180 days (with exhibit and DA Form 2402) unless you are told differently. If you
receive no instructions after 90 days, contact: CDR, TROSCOM, ATTN: AMSTR-MEPN, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
Louis, MO 63120-1798, telephone number 314-263-9393 for information.
(c) Copy #4 gives you the authority to tell the claim creator to get the new item through supply. Copy
#4 is kept at most for 180 days or until you get notice that the claim has been honored.
(5) Direct exchange (DX) claim items. When the warranted item is handled through DX, the unit starting
the claim action fills out the same forms and deals with them the way they do for a non-DX item except as follows:
(a) The unit running the DX shop starts the replacement action for supported units. The DX shop
uses copy #4 of the DA Form 2407 to start the action.
Normal DX replacement actions will be made by the DX shop for like serviceable items in stock.