6. Turnaround Time. GTSI will make every
continue to meet these requirements for the full
effort to complete all warranty repairs and/or
period of the warranty specified.
4. Contractor Responsibilities.
7. Government Responsibilities.
a. The Program Manager, Warfighter
a. Failed Item Repair/Replacement.
Information Network-Terrestrial (PM, WIN-T),
Attn: SFAE-C3S-WIN-RRD is responsible for
1) A warranty service contract has been
administrative functions relative to assuring that
awarded to Government Technical Services, Inc.
the AKMS warranty program is effective and
(GTSI) to support all warranty repair or
responsive to the customer's needs. Points of
replacement services required for the AN/GYK-
Contact (POCs) are:
49(V)1 or (V)2 AKMS equipment. In the event of
a failure of any equipment or supplies, contact
1) Project Leader - Chris Caputo, DSN 992-
GTSI warranty service at 1-800-333-4874 or E-
3236, or COMML (732) 532-3236, E-mail:
mail service@gtsi.com.
2) GTSI will provide warranty services
2) Integrated Logistics Specialist Jay
within time frames specified in Table 3. All
Herod, DSN 992-2159, or COMML (732) 532-
warranties are for a minimum of five [5] years
2159. E-mail
from date of acceptance by the Government.
Replacements under warranty will be with
new/refurbished equipment and parts.
b. The owning unit, or customer, is
responsible for operating and maintaining the
3) The GTSI Help Desk will receive all
equipment in accordance with the applicable
warranty calls, log the call, and validate the
technical manuals. Any repair required to such
requirement. All hardware problems will be
equipment will be done in accordance with the
forwarded to the GTSI Help Desk. [See Encl.
procedures described in this warranty bulletin.
c. All items covered under this warranty will
b. GTSI or the Original Equipment
meet and continue to meet the requirements
Manufacturer (OEM) will not be responsible for
cited in the appropriate contract listed in
providing maintenance service for damaged or
failed equipment if the damage is caused by:
date the warranty expires. This criteria shall
also apply to items repaired or furnished as
1) Accident, disaster, transportation,
replacements for failed items.
vandalism, misuse, or abuse.
2) Failure to maintain a suitable
d. Nullification. Failure to operate and/or
environment for the equipment as prescribed by
maintain this equipment in the manner
the manufacturer.
prescribed by the applicable technical manual
will nullify warranty coverage. Unauthorized
3) Service of the equipment by other
maintenance or repair, abuse, or improper use
than authorized field service technicians.
or operation could result in damage to the
equipment that would nullify the warranty. Of
4) Any action or activity specifically cited
particular importance is the need to keep the
by the contractor as an action that will void the
tape drive heads clean and properly maintained.
e. Claim Procedure. The following
5. Contractor Travel. Any travel that is required
procedures will be followed to obtain
to administer the warranty program is covered
service/support for any problem(s) experienced
under the terms of the warranty contract with
with the AKMS/LCMS.
GTSI. Should costs associated with travel arise
due to equipment failures/problems not covered
1) Contact the Help Desk at CSLA on
under the warranty, the costs thereof will be the
DSN 879-9900 or Commercial (520) 538-9900.
liability of the customer.
Help Desk personnel will work with user
personnel to work through their problem(s).