c. Handling. No special handling is
2) If the problem is determined to be
required, however, care should be taken to
hardware-related, the unit will then be advised to
prevent physical damage that could nullify the
contact the GTSI Help Desk at 1-800-333-4874.
The GTSI Help Desk personnel will be provided
the item name, serial number, order number,
9. Secure Hard Drives
and warranty name for the item requiring
warranty service. The Help Desk personnel will
a. Diagnostics. GTSI personnel will require
log the call and validate warranty entitlement for
that system diagnostics be executed to verify
the hardware. Please specify if warranty service
is being performed on a secure disk drive.
replacement drive.
3) Warranty repair/replacement will be
b. Replacement. Upon verification of
accomplished in accordance with data provided
failure, the Hard Drive will be replaced. If the
in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of this bulletin.
system was purchased on one of the orders
4) User unit is responsible for shipment
may be retained for disposal or destruction.
of defective unit to GTSI designated repair
facility for other than on-site repair. GTSI will
9. Contingency Operations. When units are
ship repaired/replaced unit back to customer
required to deploy to war zones or on
location within time frames cited in Table 3.
contingency missions, arrangement for
transportation of failed equipments (evacuation
8. Storage/Shipment/Handling.
from war zone to warranty provider) will be
made with the CECOM Electronic Systems
a. Storage. Failed items shall be stored
Sustainment Center (ESSC) or their
and packaged in a manner which will preclude
maintenance transportation providers, such as
physical/mechanical damage, pending
the Tobyhanna Forward Repair Activities
appropriate distribution instructions.
(FRAs). This arrangement will be in place prior
to the deployment so that units will only be
b. Shipment. No shipments shall be made
responsible to turnover failed equipments to the
without direct authority from CSLA and/or GTSI.
ESSC or their provider.