l. Warranty Claim. Action started by the
training, technical packages, etc., will be used in
equipment user for authorized warranty repair,
support of the warranted equipment during the
replacement, or reimbursement made from the
specified warranty period.
local dealer or manufacturer.
c. Defect. Any condition or characteristic in
m. Warranty Period. Time during which the
any supplies or services furnished by the
warranty is in effect. Normally measured as the
contractor under the contract that is not in
maximum number of years, months, days, miles,
compliance with the requirements of the
or hours used.
3. Coverage -
Specific. The
d. Failed Item. A part, component, or end
paragraphs provide information necessary to
item that fails to perform its intended use.
identify the items covered by warranty and the
terms of the coverage for the AN/GYK-49(V)1&2
e. Help Desk. A Point of Contact at a
AKMS Warranty Program. All items listed in
contractor and/or government location staffed by
these paragraphs have been furnished to the
representatives with technical expertise to
Government under the following production
provide the soldier/operator with assistance in
resolving hardware/ software problems.
f. Hot Swap. A process whereby the
manufacturer, upon notification of a failure, will
ship a replacement to the unit, and upon receipt,
the unit will pack and ship the failed equipment
back to the manufacturer.
a. Items Covered Under Warranty. Tables
1 and 2
list all the items warranted for the AKMS
g. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
condition without affecting the warranty.
b. Defects/Failures Covered.
h. Reparable. An item that may be
Notwithstanding inspection and acceptance by
reconditioned or economically repaired for reuse
the Government of the supplies and equipment
when it becomes unserviceable.
furnished under the above contracts, or any
provision of these contracts concerning the
i. Serviceable. The condition of an item
conclusiveness thereof, the equipments are
which may be new or used that meets all the
warranted for the period of time as indicated in
requirements and performs the functions for
which it was originally intended.
1) All supplies and equipment have been
j. Turnaround time. That amount of time
designed and manufactured to conform to all
that is permitted for an item to be
drawings, manufacturing standards or
replaced/repaired by the contractor/
specifications delineated in the contract and that
maintenance repair facility and returned to the
all spare parts will meet the requirements of their
user. The time is measured from the time the
intended use and be interchangeable between
contractor/repair facility receives the request.
and among similar units manufactured under the
k. Warranty. A promise or statement of fact
from a seller to a purchaser on the nature,
2) All supplies and equipment designed
usefulness, or condition of the supplies or
and produced by the manufacturer are free from
performance of services to be furnished. The
defects for the full-term of the warranty specified
main purpose of a warranty in a Government
contract is to outline the rights and obligations of
the contractor and the Government for defective
3) All supplies and equipment
items and services. It also serves to foster
manufactured under the contracts listed in
quality performance by the contractor but is not
a substitute for an adequate quality assurance
performance requirements specified in the
contract and the statement of work and will