TB 5-6115-585-23-1
C O V E R A G E - The contractor, Libby
GENERAL - The purpose to this technical
Corporation, guarantees the 10 kW, 60 Hz
bulletin is to outline the procedures for iden-
tifying warranted items of the 10 kW, 60 Hz
time of acceptance or delivery, to be free from
Generator Set Assembly being procured under
all defects in material and workmanship for
contract DAAK01-88-D-D016 from Libby Corpor-
1500 operating hours or 24 months, whichever
ation, Kansas City, Missouri.
occurs first. Expendable items such as filters
air, fuel and oil), or any expendable items
provided as part of spares, are not covered
under the warranty of this contract.
tions that apply to this Warranty Technical
b. In all situations when repair or replace-
ment requires transportation of the nonconform-
contractor is responsible for providing repair
or replacement of warranted items, as pre-
ing or defective item(s), shipping cost from
the original line item delivery point to the
scribed in this Technical Bulletin, within 30
Contractor's plant and return shall be at the
days after receiving a properly completed
Material Deficiency Report (MDR) listing the
expense of the Contractor.
costs from other than the original delivery
point shall be at the expense of the Govern-
In the event of a failure of any war-
ranted line item thereof to meet the conditions
(1) On items used within the Continental
48 states of the United States and the District
of Columbia, the guarantee shall include the
furnishing of new or repaired items to replace
(1) The contractor shall promptly repair,
any that prove to be nonconforming and/or
replace or modify such parts as necessary to
defective within the warranty period.
correct defects, and the contractor shall bear
the cost thereof; or
(2) On items outside the Continental 48
If the contractor fails to repair,
states of the United States and outside the
replace or modify such parts promptly, as
District of Columbia, the guarantee shall
determined by the Contracting Officer, the
include the furnishing of new or repaired items
Contractor shall pay cost incurred by the
to replace any that prove to be nonconforming
Government in procuring such parts from
and/or defective within the warranty period.
another source and in accomplishing the repair
Such items shall be delivered via air by the
or replacement.
Contractor to the destination designated by the
Government. The Contractor shall be responsi-
ble for transportation costs not to exceed the
If the Government determines that a
greater of F.O.B. Contractor's plant or the
defective or nonconforming warranted item is
original line item destination, whichever is
within the maintenance capability of the user
more advantageous to the Government. Return
to repair or replace, does not require contrac-
of defective items to the Contractor shall be at
tor repair or replacement, then the Govern-
the option and at the expense of the Contrac-
ment shall be entitled, from the Contractor,
those costs incurred, including detail parts,
material and labor necessary to restore a