TB 9-1005-317-23
q. Grips: Grips shall be fastened securely on the receiver.
There shall be no relative movement of these parts. The grips shall
be free of splits, cracks, or other defects which may affect service-
r. Lanyard Loop: The lanyard loop shall be fastened securely to
the butt. There shall be no relative movement of these parts.
s. Receiver: The trigger pin shall be retained by the leg of the
slide stop spring. The hammer release lever pin shall be staked
securely. The hammer release lever pin and the ejector spring pin
shall not protrude from either side of the receiver.
t. E n t i r e
(1) Place decocking/safety lever in safe (down) position and
depress the magazine release button to remove the magazine from the
pistol. Pull slide to rear and lock by pushing up on the slide stop.
Visually inspect the chamber to ensure that it is empty.
Insert an empty magazine into the
(2) Depress the slide stop.
pistol, and ensure that the magazine catch locks the magazine in
(3) Retract the slide and release it. The magazine follower
should push up on the slide stop, locking the slide to the rear.
(4)Rotate the decocking/safety lever to the fire (up) position.
With a 1/16 inch punch push up on the bottom side of the firing pin
block, at the same time, push in on the firing pin striker with a 1/8
inch punch. Ensure the firing pin protrudes through the breech face
of the slide.
(5) Depress the magazine catch allowing the magazine to fall
(6) Rotate the decocking/safety lever to the safe (down) posi-
tion. Depress the slide stop allowing the slide to return forward.
At the same time,the hammer should fall to the full forward position.
(7)Squeeze and release trigger. Firing pin block should move
up and down. Hammer should not move. The trigger should return to
the full forward position under spring tension.
(8) Place decocking/safety lever in fire (up) position.
(9) Squeeze trigger to check double action. Hammer should cock
and fall.
(10) Squeeze trigger again and hold to rear. Manually retract
and release slide while holding trigger to rear. Release trigger,
click should be heard, hammer should not fall.