TB 9-1005-317-23
for the return of the item(s) or instructions to repair the item(s)
Upon completion of repairs by the contractor, the contractor
will ship the repaired/replaced item(s) to the depot submitting the
item(s) for an acceptance inspection to verify that the item(s) are in
serviceable condition. A copy of the completed SF 368 noting item(s)
have been repaired/replaced and are in serviceable condition will be
sent to AMSMC-QA.
This action will close the investigation.
Warranty Start Date. The warranty start date, determined by
the WARCO, is the same as the acceptance date on the DD 250 and is
contained in columns 76 to 80 of the weapon serial number control
card. The format used in YYDDD where YY is the last two digits of
the year and DDD is the Julian date.
In the event the weapon serial
number control card is not available at the local level, information
on the warranty start date may be obtained by the local WARCO from:
HQ, U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command, ATTN: AMSMC-
MMD-LW, Rock Island, IL 61299-6000, Phone: AV 793-4678, Commercial:
(309) 782-4678.
d. Reimbursement for Repair. When the item is repaired by the
Government with or without prior notice to the contractor, the con-
tractor shall upon receipt of documented repair costs furnish payment
of such costs to the Comptroller at HQ, AMCCOM, through the Procuring
Contracting Officer (PCO).
e. Claim Denials/D isputes.
All denied/disputed claims will be
resolved by AMCCOM.
f. Reporting.
Reporting or recording action or a failed item
shall be as specified in this WTB.
(1) Army:
If there are questions within the Army regarding
claims procedures or the warranty in general, telephone the AMCCOM
793-4109 or Commercial (309) 782-4109 or
FTS 367-4109. You may record your message, and the AMCCOM Warranty
Office will respond within 24 hours.
(2) All Other Military Services:
Contact the appropriate point
Storage/Shipment/ Handling. There are no unique requirements for
storage, shipment, or handling in order to keep the warranty in force.
For failed item, no shipments shall be made to the contractor without
direct authority from AMCCOM through the supporting WARCO.