TB 9-1005-317-23
(11) Squeeze trigger to check single action. Hammer should
(12) The extractor shall extract both empty cartridge cases and
loaded cartridges from the barrel chamber when the pistol is function
fired or manually operated.
(13) The ejector shall eject both empty cartridge cases and
loaded cartridges completely out of the pistol when the pistol is
function fired or manually operated.
(14) Visually inspect the entire pistol for missing and damaged
u. Trigger Pull: The trigger pull shall be within 1.80 KG (4
lbs) to 2.90 KG (6.4 lbs) for single action and 3.60 KG (7.9 lbs) to
7.30 KG (16.1 lbs) for double action. In the single action mode,the
trigger pull shall be free of creep. Creep shall be interpreted to
m e a n any perceptible movement between the time positive resistance is
met and the hammer is released.
All parts shall be interchangeable.
w. Workmanship:
The pistol shall be free of dust, grease, rust,
corrosion products and other foreign matter. All markings and stamp-
ings shall be neat and clearly defined.
(1) Over its expected service life (5000 rounds), the pistol
shall operate without failure of the trigger bar, sear, or safety to
function properly. The receiver, slide, and barrel shall not become
broken or cracked to the detriment of function/safety and no uncon-
trolled firing (doubling) shall occur.
(2) Replacement of other repair parts due to breakage or mal-
function should not occur, on the average, more frequently than once
every 1500 rounds. Multiple replacement of parts during the same
corrective maintenance action is considered a single replacement
for the purposes of assessing this frequency.
(3) Overall, the pistol should be expected to operate with an
average malfunction rate of one per 500 rounds or better for pistol
caused incidents. A series of malfunctions with a common cause (e.g.,
five failures to extract caused by a broken extractor) are considered
a single malfunction for the purposes of assessing this malfunction
Nullification. Abuse, as defined in paragraph 2, and including,
but not limited to, the use of incorrect/unauthorized ammunition and
unauthorized repair and/or modification of the weapon, will void the
warranty where a failure is attributable to the abusive action.
Failure to maintain the weapon as specified in the Operator's Manual