TB 9-1005-317-23
Government Responsibilities/Identification. The Command respon-
sible for the warranty is the U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and
Chemical Command (AMCCOM). The point of contact for each military
service is:
Army: Commander, U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical
Command, ATTN: AMSMC-QAD-P (Mr. Richard Turek), Rock Island, IL
AUTOVON 793-2421, extension 37 or Commercial
(309) 782-2421, extension 37 or FTS 367-2421, extension 37. Business
hours: 0900-1430 Central Time.
Air Force:
a. Technical: Commander, Warner Robins Air Logistics Center,
MMIRFTW (Mr. Terry Kimberly), Robins AFB, GA 31098-5609.
AUTOVON 468-6242 or Commercial (912) 926-6242. Business
0700-1530 Eastern Time.
b. Non-Technical: Commander, Warner Robins Air Logistics Center,
ATTN: MMIIBD (Mrs. Mickey Gill), Robins AFB, GA 31098-5609. Tele-
phone: AUTOVON 468-6245 or Commercial (912) 926-6245. Business
hours: 0700-1530 Eastern Time.
Coast Guard: Commandant (G-ODO-2) U.S. Coast Guard, Washington,
D.C. 20593-0001.
Commercial (202) 267-0420 or FTS
Business hours: 0700-1600 Eastern Time.
Marine Corps: Commanding General (Code 833-2), MCLB (Mr. Nick
Rumak), Albany, GA 31704-5000. Telephone:
AUTOVON 460-6612 or
Commercial (912) 439-6612. Business hours: 0800-1630 Eastern Time.
Navy: Naval Weapons Support Center, ATTN:
(Mr. Terry O'Brian)
Code 2031, Crane, IN 47522-5000. Telephone:
AUTOVON 482-3190,
Commercial (812) 854-3190 or FTS 336-3190. Business hours: 0800-1430
Eastern Time.
6. Government Maintenance. The user is authorized only to field
strip, clean, and lubricate the weapon as prescribed in the Operator's
Manual (see appendix A). All other repair, performed by higher
echelon maintenance, shall be performed as prescribed in the Unit and
Intermediate Direct Support Maintenance Manual (see appendix A). The
Government reserves the right to make necessary repairs at contractor
expense. When such actions are taken, it is important to fully
document on the SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report) the justification
for and the nature of the repair actions.
Owning Unit Responsibilities. The owning unit is responsible for
the care of the weapon, including its use, cleaning and lubrication,
and proper storage. No special care, beyond that normal and reason-
able care described in the Operator's Manual, is required to maintain
the warranty. The unit and intermediate direct support level (must be
lowest level unit having 23&P manual) is required to prepare and
forward the SF 368 for any defective item(s).