(1) Block 17. Fill in the name and address of
(5) Block 3. Enter the name of the defective
the facility which made the repair.
(6) Block 35. Fill in this block as follows. If
(2) Blocks 18 and 19. Leave blank.
(3) Block 20.
additional space is needed, use the DA Form 2407-1
(a) Columns a and b. Leave blank.
( M a i n t e n a n c e Request -- Continuation Sheet).
(b) Columns d. Enter the name of the part or
(a) Enter the telephone number (including
autovon number) and address of the unit forward-
(c) Column e. Enter the serial number of the
ing the claim to the NMP on the first line of this
part or assembly. If there is no serial number,
leave blank.
(b) Write "Replace Defective Part" in this
(d) Column f. Leave blank.
(e) Column g. Enter the number of man-
(c) Clearly state all factors which contri-
hours required to replace the defective part. Re-
buted to the failure, such as the type of operation,
cord the actual number of man-hours required to
terrain, and climatic conditions.
complete the job, to include the time required to
(d) Explanatory sketches and photographs
disassemble/reassemble a larger item to remove
should be used, as needed.
replace the defectve part.
(e) Record the date that the part failed.
(f) Column h. Enter the NSN of the defective
(f) Record the contract number (DAAE07-
part, if known. Otherwise, enter the manufac-
turer's part number.
(g) Record the vehicle in service date found
(g) Columns i through n. Fill in as indicated.
on DA Form 2408-9, block 23, in the logbook.
(h) Record the US Army registration
(4) Blocks 21 and 22. Leave blank.
(5) Blocks 24 through 29. Fill in as indicated.
number of the truck.
c. Section III. (To be filled in by the unit that
(i) Record the month/day/hour (MDH) code
forwards DA Form 2407 to the NMP.) Fill in this
and date of manufacture found on the Vehicle
section using the steps below:
Identification Data Plate.
(1) Block 30. Check the space provided for
(j) Record the MIOLSTRIP document
number and the address of the unit receiving dis-
(2) Block 31. Check the space for "OTHER."
position instructions and or replacement war-
(3) Block 32. Enter the name of the organiza-
ranty parts.
tion submitting the report.
(k) Overseas units must clearly record their
DODAAC number. Failure to enter this number
(4) Block 33. Enter the NSN of the defective
will seriously delay overseas shipments.
part, if known. Otherwise, enter the manufac-
turer's part number.
d. Blocks 4, 12, 16, 20. Enter the NSN of the
18. Use of DA Form 2402 (Exchange Tag). The DA
defective part.
Form 2402 must be filled out and attached to any
e. Blocks 5 and 19. Enter the noun nomenclature
and all defective parts removed from the vehicle.
of the part.
Refer to figure 2 for an example of the completed
f. Block 6. Check the EIR block if an EIR is being
DA Form 2402.
submitted. Check the Exchange block if a direct
19. Completing DA Form 2402. Fill out the form as
exchange is required.
g. Blocks 8, 13, 17, 21. Enter the nomenclature
a. Block 1. Enter the name of the support agency
and manufacturer of the defective part.
where the part is to be exchanged.
h. Block 9. Enter the model of the vehicle.
b. Block 2. Enter the current date.
i. Blocks 10, 14, 18,20. Enter the serial number of
c. Blocks 3, 11, 15. Enter the name of the organi-
the vehicle.
zation turning in the part.