a. When a newly delivered vehicle is received at a
20. Purpose. A Vehicle Status Report must be par-
depot for storage, the responsible depot represen-
tially prepared for each newly delivered vehicle
tative will prepare four copies of the report com-
placed in Government storage, and completed
pleting sections I and II of the form. The partially
when each vehicle is removed from storage and
completed report will be distributed as follows:
(1) Forward one copy to Oshkosh Corporation.
aration of this report is an important aspect of the
vehicle warranty terms between the Government
and the contractor. It must be prepared and sub-
(2) Forward one copy to:
mitted properly and in a timely manner (within 20
days from receipt of the vehicle) so that the Gov-
US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel
ernment can realize full intended warranty be-
Readiness Command
Warren, MI 48090
21. Use of Vehicle Status Report. Oshkosh Corpora-
(3) Retain one copy with the vehicle.
tion will provide blank report forms to the Gov-
(4) Retain one COPY for depot files, as required.
ernment representative at his plant. The Govern-
b. When the vehicle is removed from storage to be
ment representative will place four blank report
placed in service, the responsible depot represen-
forms with each vehicle scheduled for shipment
tative will complete section III of the previously
from the contractor to Government storage. The
prepared forms(s), and make sufficient copies of
forms will be used as follows:
the completed report to distribute as follows:
Figure 2. DA 2402 (Exchange Tag)