of personal injury where applicable laws requires
extent as parts initially delivered beginning on the
such liability.
date of delivery of the new or repaired parts.
13. Depot Storage. If the Government elects to
11. Safety Recall. If a safety recall defect occurs
place a quantity of newly delivered vehicles in
during the vehicle warranty period, the contractor
Government depot storage prior to placing them in
agrees to extend the warranty duration time equal
service, and if such storage does not exceed 6
to the time period required to make the necessary
months, the contractor agrees that the warranty
safety defect correction repairs. "Time period re-
provisions will not be affected by this action, and
quired" is defined as the downtime of the vehicles
that full warranty coverage will start on the date
subjected to a safety recall.
that each vehicle is withdrawn from Government
12. Special Provisions. Under no circumstances
storage. As each new vehicle is placed in storage,
whatsoever will the contractor be liable to the
and at the time each vehicle is withdrawn from
Government for any special or consequential dam-
storage, the Government will provide the contrac-
ages, whether based on work stoppage, or impair-
tor with appropriate notification. The contractor
ment or other goods, and whether arising out of
will provide vehicle status report forms for this
breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence,
misrepresentation or otherwise, except in the case
14. Use of DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request).
b. Specific reason(s) for the refusal.
The DA Form 2407 must be used to submit war-
c. Specific facts/evidence that you feel will refute
ranty claim actions for defective parts and services
the contractor's reason(s) for refusal. Include
covered by the vehicle warranty The form is pre-
photographs and sketches, if possible.
pared either after the work has been accomplished
17. Completing DA Form 2407. TM 38-750 governs
or when a dispute arises.
the preparation of the DA Form 2407. The follow-
a. The direct exchange facility is responsible for
ing information will assist you in filling out the
forwarding the DA Form 2407 when claims con-
form for the purpose of claims under the M 9 1 1
cern direct exchange items.
vehicle warranty. Refer to figure 1 for an example
b. The DA Form 2407 is forwarded by the unit
of a completed DA Form 2407.
authorized to replace the item when direct ex-
a. Section I. (To be filled in by originating organi-
change of the item is not involved.
c. The evacuating unit forwards the DA Form
(1) Heading. Put a "W" in the EIR space, and
2407 when all work is performed by the contractor.
write in the organization's issue priority designa-
15. Forwarding DA Form 2407. When the DA Form
tion code.
2407 is prepared after work is accomplished, make
(2) Block 1a. Enter the name of the organiza-
sure you mark copies 2 and 5 "FOR INFORMA-
tion submitting the request.
TION ONLY" and forward to:
(3) Block 1b. Enter the location of the unit
making the request. Overseas units should enter
US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel
their APO.
Readiness Command
(4) Block 1c. Enter the unit identification code
of the originating organization.
Warren, MI 48090
(5) Block 2. Enter the Oshkosh Truck Corpora-
tion serial number found on the Vehicle Identifica-
16. Warranty Disputes. When the DA Form 2407 is
tion Data Plate or the Serial Number Plate. The
prepared for a warranty dispute, make sure you
identification plate is located on the lower left
mark copies 2 and 5 WARRANTY DISPUTE and
corner inside the left cab door. The number plate is
located on the left side of the truck's frame to the
technical review and evaluation to minimize tech-
rear of the driver's seat.
nical misunderstandings between you and the con-
(6) Block 3. Enter the name of the end item.
tractor, whenever possible. Also, you must include
(7) Block 4. Leave blank.
the following information:
(8) Block 5. Enter the vehicle model designa-
a. Name, address, and telephone number of the
tion for the defective part found on the Vehicle
Oshkosh representative/dealership that refused
Identification Data Plate.
the service.