TB 9-2300-295-15/16
Government hourly rate. Reimbursement to Active
7-1. Contested Claims. If upon analysis of the failed
Army installations will be in the form of a check
parts it is determined by the manufacturer or com-
ponent vendors that the failure was not due to defec-
payable to the Treasurer of the United States,
issued to the reporting Active Army Activity.
tive workmanship or material, the Government will
Reimbursement to the National Guard Activity will
be invoiced for the list price of the parts, labor borne
be in the form of a check payable and issued to the
by the contractor in the repair, and related freight
United States Property and Fiscal Officer of the
reporting state.
7-2. Labor Costs. a. Changes for labor performed by
d. The manufacturer will furnish a flat rate time
the Govenment within the 50 states will be borne
schedule for the vehicle under contract, for the pur-
by the contractor based on the prevailing hourly
pose of providing a basis for reimbursement of
rate in the particular geographical area and the
Government labor costs. The schedule will specify
number of hours appealing in the contractor's flat
the total number of labor hours to be allowed for ma-
rate schedule or the Government's actual cost, which-
jor repair operations. This total will consist of
ever is less.
diagnostic time, actual repair time, if applicable.
b. For repairs accomplished by the Government out-
side the 50 states, the cost of labor will be borne by
7-3. Correction Report. For repairs accomplished
under the warranty clause, the manufacturer will
the contractor based on the manufacturer's estab-
prepare a Defect Correction Report. The report will
lished hourly rate for such services and the number
be submitted to the office designated by the Govern-
of hours appearing in the manufacturer's flat rate
ment within 60 days of return of defective parts to
schedule or the Govement's actual cost, whichever
the manufacturer's facility, or 60 days following
is less.
completion of the repair if parts return is not re-
c. For repairs accoplished by the Government, a
quired by the manufacturer. The Defect Correction
request for reimbursement will be accompanied by
Report will identify the vehicle affected and its loca-
documentation of the Government's actual labor
tion, defective item(s), and action taken to correct
cost. Documentation should include copies of the
work order for the repair and substantiation of the