TB 9-2300-295-15/24
date of acceptance, the warranty time period begins while the vehicle is in storage. The user must complete appropriate
forms as described in paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 when the vehicles are placed in and withdrawn from storage.
3.7(b). Vehicle Storage by the Contractor. If the vehicles are stored at the contractor's facility prior to placing the
vehicles in service, the contractor has agreed that the time period of the warranty will begin when the vehicles are
withdrawn from the contractor's storage. This agreement is limited so that/the warranty period will automatically begin
after ten (10) months of CONUS and fourteen (14) months of OCONUS storage. This limitation is counted from the date
of acceptance on the DD Form 250, and if the vehicles are left in storage longer than 10/14 months from the date of
acceptance, the warranty time period begins while the vehicle is in storage.
3.8. Vehicles Delivered By Drive-Away. On vehicles delivered by drive-away method, the 12,000 mile warranty will be
in addition to the mileage accumulated during the drive to the first destination. When each drive-away delivered vehicle
arrives at its final destination, the user shall determine the mileage accumulated and properly notify the contractor of the
accrued delivery mileage by completing and submitting the "Delayed Warranty Start" form in accordance with instructions
in paragraph 5.1. Do not submit the form if the mileage accumulated is less than 100 miles. Failure to report this delivery
mileage accumulation will result in premature warranty expiration.
If vehicles are put into storage following drive-away delivery, the receiving unit
must complete and submit a second "Delayed Warranty Start" Form. When the
vehicle is taken out of storage, a third "Delayed Warranty Start" Form will be
completed and submitted.
4. Contractor Responsibilities. The contractor is responsible for performing repairs on warranted vehicle failures or for
reimbursing the Government for the cost of performing warranted repairs when the Government user performs the repairs.
Reimbursement of repair costs is limited to a negotiated rate.
4.1(a). When the user elects to use Option A, the contractor will perform necessary repairs at the nearest authorized
Chevrolet dealer at no cost to the Government except for deductible extended power train warranty service. Towing will
be done by the dealership or its designated agent from the point that the vehicle becomes inoperative and unable to be
driven (unless civilian access is restricted).
If the tow is accomplished using military equipment, the user will record on DA
Form 2407 or other appropriate service form the tow mileage, and submit to
Commander, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-MW, Warren,
Michigan 483975000.
In these circumstances the contractor has agreed to
reimburse the Government .70 for the hookup, and .00 per mile for towing up
to a limit of 50 miles.
4.1(b). When the user elects to use Option B, the user will perform necessary repairs.