TB 9-2300-295-15/24
5.3. Reimbursement under the Provisions of Option B. For user performed repair actions, the Government will be
monetarily reimbursed for towing, labor and parts consumed from the Government supply system. The labor
reimbursement to the government will consist of both military and civilian labor. The military labor reimbursement will be
to a central DA account and users will receive reimbursement for civilian labor.
In addition to fully describing parts used, the user must break-out labor man-hours
clearly on the DA Form 2407 and identify labor by uniformed military, DA civilian,
or civilian contractor.
This distinction is necessary to fulfill accounting
requirements of Public Law. Unless this labor break-out is shown, TACOM will
consider all labor to be military labor and thus not reimbursable. Reimbursement
for these claims will be based on a negotiated rate of .20 per hour and using
GM's flat rate manual to determine the man-hours to effect the repair. As a result,
it is possible that the user will not receive 100 percent credit for user expenses.
5.4 The Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). AOAP provides for on condition monitoring as described in L09-2320-
289-12 and TB43-0210. However, the interval for service must not exceed those limits in the Lubrication Order during the
warranty period.
5.5 Alterations/Modifications. Alterations and modifications to the vehicles shall not be performed unless authorized in
writing by the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command.
6. Design/Performance Specifications. NOT APPLICABLE
7. Nullification. Warranty provisions do not apply to defects or failures resulting from:
a. Improper Government installation, operation, or maintenance of warrant able item (s).
b. Unauthorized Government modification and/or repair.
c. Combat damage.
d. Accident damage.
e. Acts of God.
f. The Government's use of unapproved supplies.
g. Failure to perform prescribed maintenance.
h. Misuse or abuse of supplies.
8. Identification of Failed Items. When an item under warranty fails, it shall be tagged and identified IAW DA PAM
738-750 and shall be adequately handled and stored to prevent improper repair, use, disposal or cannibalization during
the processing of the warranty claim.
8.1 Disposition of Failed Items. The user activity shall retain defective parts for a maximum of 60 days from date of
mailing DA Form 2407 to TACOM unless sooner notified by TACOM that the defective part is required for examination by
Chevrolet. If